How to properly sharpen meat grinder knives

Not everyone knows how to properly sharpen meat grinder knives. And it’s not a matter of skill at all, but the correct sharpening technique. It's the knives, not the knife. Many people mistakenly believe that there is only one knife in a meat grinder - that star-shaped thing that

Dried Pork Tenderloin

Delicious meat and sausage can be made at home. There is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to know a good recipe. Today I will tell you how to turn a piece of pork tenderloin into shredded meat.

How to lay decorative bricks yourself. Master Class

In modern interiors, walls are often decorated to look like old brick or wild stone. One of the means of implementing such design ideas is decorative gypsum tiles. Laying these tiles is much easier than, for example, tiles, and when

How to cook delicious hake

In order for the dish to turn out tasty, you need to choose the right fish. It must be fresh, without several frosts. I always look at the cut; it shows how long the fish has been lying on the counter. It should be light

How to make a plastic hammer handle

We clean the hammer head from many years of rust and other deposits using a stiff metal brush, and then with a grinder, holding the head in a vice. Using the same grinder, remove a small layer of metal from all surfaces of the hammer head so that

Pink deviled eggs

For the holiday, many housewives try to prepare not only tasty, but also beautiful dishes. Today I will share with you a recipe for making pink deviled eggs. This dish will definitely not go unnoticed.

Round concrete fence posts. Fast, simple and beautiful

The choice of concrete as a material for pillars is based on the price-quality ratio. For little money we get quite beautiful and durable posts. They look massive due to their diameter of 160 mm. You can also decorate them if desired.

How to assemble a large floor mirror for a minimal price

Old Soviet furniture, such as walls, wardrobes, trellises, and other things, has long gone out of fashion and has not been produced for a long time. Nowadays, so-called minimalism is in fashion. But the above-mentioned furniture can still be seen in garages, dachas, gardens

How to remove lime and rust from a toilet cistern in no time

Over time, the inner walls of the toilet tank and the mechanism for filling and draining water become covered with limescale and rust. If you do not periodically clean the tank and mechanism from such contaminants, then this sanitary appliance will begin to work poorly or not at all.

How to make citrus sugar at home

Citrus sugar can be purchased at the store, or you can make it at home. It's not too difficult and it's much cheaper. Its application is wide. Can be added to tea or coffee (orange raff, for example), to baked goods, to various desserts and much more.

How to Make Effective Furniture and Wood Adhesive

Good glue, when repairing or making furniture, is an extremely necessary and irreplaceable thing, like nails, a hammer and a hacksaw. Nowadays, the choice of construction adhesives is huge and varied. Various quality and any price category. But never

How to make fire with a light bulb

You can get fire from the sun using a light bulb if you turn it into a lens. To do this, you need to pour water into it. This is not difficult to do by crushing the ceramic insulator at the top of the base with small blows applied with some kind of metal

How to Improve Dim Car Headlights

You can increase the light output of halogen low-beam headlight lamps by cleaning the glass, polishing it, or using more powerful lamps. But sometimes all this does not help, since the brightness of the low beam headlights still depends on the voltage on the lamps.

What to cook from pink salmon: two dishes from one fish

To make pink salmon fillet tender and juicy, season it with aromatic onions and herbs and place in the oven. This dish is equally suitable for a light dinner or a festive table. There are practically no bones in pink salmon fillet, it is prepared

How to make a washing pump for a screwdriver or drill

We place the end cap concentrically and bottom down into the piece of pipe. We make through threaded holes at half the height of the specified parts in the diametrical direction, into which we screw the shanks into the hose so that their ends extend beyond

How to make a compact but powerful camping stove

A burner, or a compact stove, is a necessary thing on a hike. Or, it would be more correct to say; comfortable. Heat canned food or boil water to steam freeze-dried food or make tea.No need to light a fire every time you want

Growing onions for greens all year round: mini garden on the windowsill

Very often, zealous owners who prepare onions for the whole winter are faced with a massive appearance of sprouted heads, starting from the first winter month. Onions awaken especially quickly when stored in a warm way - at a temperature

Is the chipboard swollen? How easy it is to fix

Furniture made from chipboard must be protected from moisture, because when wet it swells, loses its original appearance, doors and drawers can jam, etc. It is not at all difficult to return such furniture to its previous state and will cope with such work

DIY liquid plastic for filling molds and gluing everything together

It’s easy to make liquid plastic with your own hands and use it as an excellent superglue, make plastic parts, or use it to repair worn-out or damaged plastic items.

Method against any growth

First of all, you should think about the future growth of fruit and non-fruit trees and shrubs when removing an old or diseased tree. It must be cut as low to the ground as possible.

Has lightning struck? How to fix it so it doesn't happen again

Over time, the zipper halves may no longer connect behind the slider as it moves due to wear or deformation of this fastener assembly. This defect can be easily eliminated by slightly squeezing the side parts of the slider using pliers or pliers.

How to restore a scissor ring by casting at home

The weak point of many scissors is often the plastic rings connected to the metal legs. Usually scissors with such damage end up in the trash can.The same thing happens with the second, third scissors, and so on ad infinitum.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode without much effort

Before the onset of winter cold, plastic windows must be switched from summer to winter mode, otherwise cold air will penetrate into the room through the gaps between the sash and the frame. Previously, windows were insulated with flax tow, the cracks were plugged with cotton wool, and

Hang a lemon on the tap and you will be forever grateful

The usual routine cleaning of faucet screens from limescale is labor-intensive, painstaking and time-consuming. But such work must be carried out periodically and more often, the harder the water in the water supply system.

Does the chainsaw cut crookedly? How to fix

What to do if the chainsaw cuts crookedly? In most cases, this defect can be quickly and easily corrected if you understand the theory a little. Also, so that in the future this lack of saw operation occurs less frequently, let us dwell on the factors leading to such

How to repair a kitchen knife with a broken shank

After some time or excessive stress, the knife blade may break off at the base of the shank. It seems that after such a breakdown the knife cannot be restored. But don’t rush, there is an opportunity to give the knife a second life.

Knock sensor: signs of malfunction, how to check and what it is needed for

Most drivers have heard about the knock sensor, but what it is and what it is intended for have a poor and approximate idea. It turns out that this sensor, when deformed, i.e. under mechanical influence on it, creates

How to Recover Lost Zipper Teeth

Today it is difficult to imagine human life without fasteners such as zippers. They are present on almost any clothing, bags and backpacks, shoes, etc. It’s annoying when 1 or 2 teeth fly off and the zipper stops functioning, and replacing it

The simplest way to sharpen a knife to a razor without skills or super sharpeners

To sharpen a kitchen knife, we will use a double-sided stone with a grit of 1000 and 4000. In order for the knife to cut well, first of all, it is necessary to ensure a correct and constant sharpening angle along the blade.

90% of motorists do not know this function of the sun visor

Basically, almost all motorists and passengers sitting next to the driver use a car visor to protect themselves from the sun's rays when the sun is in the direction of travel of the car. You can also use a mirror to bring

How to plant an ax tightly

Anyone who regularly uses this chopping tool will notice over time that the fit of the head with the cutting edge (blade) begins to gradually weaken and dangle on the handle (axe handle). Working with an ax with such a defect becomes inconvenient and,

How to easily sharpen any razor

This is a very good way to save your money. Every person who shaves with a razor with replaceable blades, such as Gillette, knows perfectly well how much one replaceable cartridge costs. The price is truly astronomical, although it is reusable, but in my opinion

The simplest GSM alarm from an old phone

Hello, friends! I want to tell you how you can create something useful using an old mobile phone. Namely, this will be the simplest GSM alarm, with which you can remotely control various objects, such as

How to make the most budget-friendly plastic gutters

Installing a drainage system for a roof is quite an expensive undertaking, since special plastic gutters, brackets, funnels, corners and other elements are not cheap. If you have a limited budget, it can be assembled from more affordable ones

How to close a ball valve if it is stuck

Imagine that your faucet in the bathroom or kitchen is leaking, and you are not able to turn off the water. The cold water supply ball valve, which is placed at the beginning of your distribution from the house riser, does not close completely. Common situation?

LED daylight lamp

Deciding to keep up with the times and save my money in the future, I decided to make some useful innovation. Or rather, convert lamps with fluorescent lamps into lamps with LED lamps. Long service life, saving

The simplest oscilloscope from a computer

It's no secret that beginning radio amateurs don't always have expensive measuring equipment at hand. For example, an oscilloscope, which even on the Chinese market, the cheapest model costs about several thousand. Sometimes an oscilloscope is needed for

Free electricity for lighting

The idea of ​​obtaining free electricity is using the potential difference between the network zero and the ground. A small disclaimer: this method of generating energy works 100 percent. This is not a hoax, no incomprehensible device that draws electricity from

Making an eternal light bulb

How long does an incandescent light bulb last? No more than 1000 hours, and including car vibration (if it is in the car) even less! And you can’t compare it with an LED that has a service life of more than 100,000 hours!!! In general - replace and forget.

How to unscrew the strainer nut

Often, most people are afraid to unscrew the nut of the oblique strainer. The fact is that such a filter is usually located immediately after the tap on the riser, and this place is very important. Since a mistake can lead to

Hot Ice

I was simply mesmerized when I repeated this beautiful and exciting experiment! It does not contain hard-to-find reagents; all the ingredients are in the kitchen - baking soda and vinegar. This experiment is called "hot ice". He can be

How to unscrew a licked screw

This is a very common problem when the slots for a screwdriver grind off on a screw, screw or self-tapping screw. This can happen for various reasons: the screwdriver was chosen incorrectly, the force was applied incorrectly, etc. As a result, it would seem that the situation

It doesn’t bite on the worm, but it’s already the third one on the circle!

Man is a creature that simply cannot live without rest and entertainment. Without them he becomes physically ill. But everyone likes to relax differently.Hobbies are what sometimes unite complete strangers. But there's no way to get away from it

An innovative way to connect two wires

Progress does not stand still and a simple heat shrink for wire insulation will no longer surprise anyone. Therefore, now we will talk about a completely new and innovative method of connecting two wires without soldering, twisting in a couple of seconds. Now on sale

Glowing LED tubes

I love LEDs. They are economical, durable, and most importantly very beautiful. And I'm always looking for new ways to use them in new ways. Here, for example, is a great way to use two super bright blue LEDs and an 8-10 centimeter long tube. From

An easy way to unscrew the nut of an angle grinder

A fairly common problem for those who use an angle grinder is that the cutting disc breaks and the clamping nut is tightly clamped. And the most interesting thing is that it is sometimes almost impossible to unscrew the nut, either with a special angle grinder, or a gas wrench, or anything else. A

Eternal flashlight or Faraday flashlight

An eternal flashlight or Faraday flashlight is the name given to a flashlight with an alternative power source. That is, this flashlight does not require batteries or battery charging. To light it, you need to shake it. The flashlight itself contains a generator and

Amplifier 4x22 W

Surely many would like to have a 5.1 audio system at home, but the prices for such amplifiers are often quite high. I’ll tell you how simple and not very expensive it is to assemble a 4-channel amplifier for such a system. After searching the Internet I chose

A simple way to solder aluminum

This is the incredibly simple way to solder aluminum that you can imagine. With its help, anyone, at home or in the garage, can easily repair and restore any aluminum products, without any argon welding. You will easily

LED lamp repair

Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps have recently become widespread in our lives. And this is not surprising, since they have many advantages compared to other artificial light sources. Here are a few of them: 1. Cost-effective. 2.

Multimedia projector

I think many people would like to have a home theater in their home. If you've already thought about this, you've probably come across the question - How to make a big screen? If you buy a TV, it will cost a pretty penny, and even a large TV with

DIY lamps

Any homemade lamp is beautiful and unusual. Of course, no one has this except you! I will give you a couple of dozen designs of homemade lamps. After all, the main thing is the idea, not the material!

Making phosphor at home

A phosphor is a substance capable of converting the energy it absorbs into light radiation. The color of the glow can be different and depends on the light filter applied to the surface of the phosphor or its impurity. Photo phosphor is a powder that

The LED lights up from one battery

If you are at least a little familiar with electronics, then you know that an LED from one 1.5 volt battery will not light up. The LED does not have enough voltage.How then can you make a miniature flashlight using one battery? - Just . . .

Cable antenna for digital TV in 5 minutes

A super simple and super quick to make antenna from a coaxial cable for receiving digital television channels can be made with your own hands in about 5 minutes. For this you will need absolutely nothing except the cable itself. And this is the main plus

3D card with flowers

An ordinary postcard will not surprise anyone. That's why I had the idea to make a 3D card with flowers. It’s not difficult to make, but it looks unusual and interesting. This card will be remembered for a long time. To make a postcard we will need: - sheet

Simple sound amplifier

We make a simple sound amplifier with our own hands. We will need the following: 1) Coil: L1 5 μH 2) Resistors: R1, R3 2.2 kOhm; R2,R5 22kOhm; R4 680 Ohm; R6 2.2 Ohm; R7 10 Ohm. 3) Capacitors: C1, C4- 4.7 uF-25V; S3-22 uF-25V; S3-22 uF-25V; C5-0.47

Carbonated drinks

People first learned about soda in the mid-19th century. Even then, people appreciated these fizzy drinks and drank water to quench their thirst. Surely, each of you drank sparkling water. In the modern market of soft drinks there is a huge variety of its varieties.

How to install a socket if there are short wires left

Over time, in Soviet houses, sooner or later it is necessary to change sockets. They become loose, modern Euro forks do not fit into them, there are other reasons. Wiring in old buildings of the Soviet Union is made of aluminum. Aluminum single core

Device for cutting plastic bottles into strips

A plastic bottle is probably the most common material for crafts. Brushes and brooms made from such bottles are especially popular. To make a brush or tassel, you first need to cut a plastic bottle into strips.

Cable antenna for digital TV in 5 minutes

A super simple and super quick to make antenna from a coaxial cable for receiving digital television channels can be made with your own hands in about 5 minutes. For this you will need absolutely nothing except the cable itself. And this is the main plus

“Zero” and “ground”: what is the fundamental difference?

Historically, it so happened that in the Russian Federation, as well as in border states, the grounding principle is used, when the neutral conductor is connected to the ground loop. Many people may have a “legitimate” question: if they

Simple induction heating

Induction heating has a significant advantage over TEN heating. The main criterion here is the efficiency of converting electrical energy into heat. This article will talk about how to make a super simple induction heater from

An easy way to unscrew the nut of an angle grinder

A fairly common problem for those who use an angle grinder is that the cutting disc breaks and the clamping nut is tightly clamped. And the most interesting thing is that it is sometimes almost impossible to unscrew the nut, either with a special angle grinder, or a gas wrench, or anything else. A

Three-phase voltage from single-phase in 5 minutes

You can get a three-phase voltage of 380 V from a single-phase 220 V in your garage quite simply. This will not take much time; the entire circuit can be connected in about 5 minutes without unnecessary complexity. For example, you need to start a powerful engine 3

3G 4G antenna with a range of more than 30 km

Living far from mobile operator towers, there are problems with coverage. The available signal does not even allow making calls, let alone receiving 3G and 4G Internet. Such problems are easily solved if you assemble a powerful antenna. This can be done on the cheap.

A quick way to install poles

It is quite possible to save time and effort when installing wooden poles if you resort to this simple and simple technique. So, straight to the point, what is the trick. The usual, classic method involves digging a well, installing

Kacher Brovina and Tesla transformer

Kacher is a device that generates high voltage (5000-20000 volts) of high frequency. Don't be afraid - you won't be electrocuted if you touch it with your hand, but still be especially careful when making this craft at home. Is not

How to install a socket if there are short wires left

Over time, in Soviet houses, sooner or later it is necessary to change sockets. They become loose, modern Euro forks do not fit into them, there are other reasons. Wiring in old buildings of the Soviet Union is made of aluminum. Aluminum single core

How to easily sharpen any razor

This is a very good way to save your money. Every person who shaves with a razor with replaceable blades, such as Gillette, knows perfectly well how much one replaceable cartridge costs. The price is truly astronomical, although it is reusable, but in my opinion

Seven ways to unscrew a broken bolt or stud

Personally, I have repeatedly encountered the problem when a bolt or stud breaks at the root. Moreover, I am not some kind of auto mechanic or mechanic. I say all this to mean that this quite happens to an ordinary person who periodically has

Eternal log to save on firewood

For heating, I use an ordinary stove, the wood in which burns out very quickly, so when intense heat is generated, a significant part of it goes into the chimney. As a result, to maintain a normal temperature level, it is necessary to carry out

Tesla transformer on Kachera Brovina from 220 volts

In this article I will talk about how to make a Kacher Brovina with relatively low power and the same set of parts. So what is a “kacher”, at its core it is similar to a Tesla coil, which is a resonant transformer using

Is it worth installing a magnet on the oil filter?

I decided to check the need to install a magnet on the oil filter. For this I chose neodymium, from a hard drive - it is quite powerful and if something metal in the lubrication system gets into a magnetic field, it will be held securely in it

How to get a key piece out of a lock

There are many times in life when failure takes you by surprise. And basically, a person is not ready for it. For example, it just so happened that the key in the lock broke off and a piece remained inside the lock cylinder. What to do? Well, of course, if the piece sticks out

Powerful Wi-Fi gun antenna

This is an easy to manufacture and very powerful Wi-Fi antenna like a cannon. With its help you can receive and transmit a Wi-Fi signal not only over hundreds of meters, but over several kilometers! The antenna gun resembles the look of a space blaster and just like this

Eternal flashlight or Faraday flashlight

An eternal flashlight or Faraday flashlight is the name given to a flashlight with an alternative power source. That is, this flashlight does not require batteries or battery charging. To light it, you need to shake it. The flashlight itself contains a generator and

Sound amplifier on TDA2030A chip

I found an unnecessary circuit board from a TV. The TDA203A microcircuit caught my eye. I know that TDA brand microcircuits are low frequency amplifiers, there is a lot of information about them on the Internet. I decided to build my own simple amplifier according to the circuit...

How to connect aluminum and copper wire

Older houses use aluminum wire wiring. Often, when carrying out renovations in your apartment, it becomes necessary to lengthen the wires. If you use copper wires or alloys, then simply connect them to

How to change a pressure tap

In plumbing, like any other repair work, there are many nuances.Technically, this work is clear and predictable, but you can’t foresee everything. Incidents can happen at the most inopportune moment and you need to be prepared for them.

Tesla coil on one transistor or Brovin kacher

I present to your attention a very small Tesla coil on one transistor or Brovin Kacher. In a Tesla coil, a very high high-frequency alternating voltage is supplied to the primary winding, and in a kacher, the primary winding is fed by a collector

Wheel lighting - LED neon

Anyone can make this awesome LED light for their bike with their own hands. There is no trick, and the result exceeds all expectations. . .

DIY mini fountain

The idea of ​​making a small fountain came to me quite a long time ago. Moreover, it is small, since there is not much space on the table, plus it is autonomous. Once I even made a fountain. But the pump was purchased (for an aquarium) weighed about 400 grams and

Homemade chewing gum for hands – HandGum

Our homemade handgam has almost all the same properties as the one for sale (it flows, breaks, stretches, jumps)

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

The combat bayonet for the legendary AK-74 entered service in the 60s of the last century and since then has remained a reliable soldier’s assistant not only in the Russian army. At the same time, not everyone, even those who served and went on guard, know what

Drill sharpening device

One of the main parameters of a twist drill is the tip angle, which for durable metals (steel, cast iron, hard bronze, titanium, etc.) is approximately 120 degrees. The deviation of this angle is greater or lesser from

How to make a square hole

How to make a square hole in any workpiece? Anyone can drill a round hole, but sometimes you need to make a square hole. I needed to make a large square hole in a round piece to

The three most reliable ways to connect wires in a junction box

More and more powerful electrical appliances are appearing in our homes: coffee makers, kettles, air conditioners, boilers, etc. All this significantly increases the load on the home power supply network. The first thing that reacts to an increase in circuit current is

Starting a three-phase motor from a single-phase network without a capacitor

The article is devoted to the possibility of starting a three-phase asynchronous motor with a power of 250 W from a 220 V network not using a starting capacitor, but using a home-made starting electronic device. Its scheme is very simple: on two

Twisting of wires without soldering that cannot be broken

It happens that it is necessary to connect several pieces of a certain type of wire. We are not talking about wiring of different sections. As for connecting wiring from different metals, here you need to be extremely careful, and without knowledge in

How to make a simple awl

An ordinary awl is a fairly universal tool. They don't do any kind of work. This includes punching wood/metal, piercing soft materials such as leather, fabric or even plastic, marking on metal, etc. Convenience in many ways

Pocket stove

Hiking in nature is relevant at any time of the year. Hunting and fishing are a real hobby and hobby for many. And who among us doesn’t like to just wander through the forest or go with the family to a river or lake. This is where they become relevant

Mackerel on the grill

Mackerel baked on the grill can be a quick improvisation when there is very little time left before unexpected guests arrive. The fish is marinated for an hour and baked almost instantly: it only takes 20 minutes for the sides of the carcass to become

Homemade multimeter probes

Quite often, such a nuisance occurs as a wire (cable) breaking near the plug. This happens especially often with wires that are subject to constant vibrations and movements. For example, headphones, chargers, multimeter probes and

Decoupage of foam bells

There is already a minimum of time left to prepare for the New Year, and there is still so much to do. The first thing you need to do is stock up on beautiful New Year's tree decorations so that your winter guest will be the most beautiful and brightest at this holiday. Always

How to repair a car tire. Making a cheap tool for cutting tread

If your car or motorcycle tires are worn out, you can manually retread them with a very easy-to-make tool. This will save you a lot of money by extending the life of your old set of tires.

Electronic LATR

Currently, many voltage regulators are produced and most of them are made using thyristors and triacs, which create a significant level of radio interference. The proposed regulator does not produce interference at all and can be used for power supply

Do-it-yourself simplified potato digger for a walk-behind tractor

When pulling out potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, it is optimal to use a potato digger with a rumble. She puts all the tubers on top, so when collecting them you don’t need to dig into the soil with your hands. You can make a very simple digger with a rumble yourself.

Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your needs.

A simple flasher on one transistor

There is a strong need to make the LED blink to enhance attracting a person’s attention to the signal. But to make a complex circuit there is simply no time and space to place radio elements. I'll show you a diagram consisting of just three, which

High-quality headphones at an affordable price

Hello dear friends. Today the subject of my review will be these inexpensive and high-quality headphones.Let's start with the fact that I needed high-quality headphones for my computer. By quality of headphones I mean first of all quality

How to make a frame boat from plastic barrels

Many fishermen or coastal residents dream of owning a motor boat. There are many ways to make it, one of the simplest of which is welding a metal frame and covering it. If you use the thinnest inexpensive

Is your lawn mower having trouble starting? Adjust magneto clearance

As experience in operating gas trimmers, in particular those made in China, shows, they often have problems with the starting system, so they are often difficult to start. Problems are usually related to the magneto flywheel.

How to cook smoked lard without a smoker in the oven

Without the help of any smokehouse, you can easily prepare lard that tastes very much like smoked lard. Moreover, this can be done in a baking sleeve in the oven. Thanks to the addition of prunes and onion peels, lard marinated in spices

Do-it-yourself bracket for a car fire extinguisher

According to traffic regulations, every car must have a fire extinguisher. The following regulatory act: “Code of Rules SP 9.13130.2009” determines the volume of this device (for passenger cars 2 liters) and type (powder or carbon dioxide). The same document defines

Berry picker

Autumn is coming and it's time to harvest. With vegetables, everything is simple - they mainly grow on the ground and access to them is unlimited.As for the berries, they are difficult to get because most berries grow on trees whose height is usually

I don’t buy trimmer line anymore, I make it myself from a PET bottle

A trimmer line can be made from a regular PET bottle at home. Having the skills to cut PET tape, this will not be difficult at all. In terms of durability, homemade fishing line is inferior to purchased fishing line, but it is free. Sometimes it’s easier to do it than to go to

Keychain Dragonfly

One day I decided to make a keychain for Dragonfly’s mobile phone. I liked the idea itself and as a result I improved it a little and made a second dragonfly.

Dry method of pickling cucumbers

Everyone in our country loves cucumbers. They are salted, pickled, made into salads and snacks. The variety of options is so great that your eyes can run wide! But the most delicious and desirable recipe is the recipe for dry pickling of cucumbers in a bag. Incredibly juicy and

An original and soulful bookmark

Everyone who loves to read books loves unusual and beautiful bookmarks. When you know how to knit, creating a beautiful and original bookmark is a simple and enjoyable task. Today I will show you how to quickly create a beautiful bookmark - a flower from

Fridge magnets

Small refrigerator magnets can be found in almost every home. Not everyone thinks that they can be made according to their own design on their own. The process is simple and interesting, and to involve in the production of such creative handicrafts

Panel “Mysterious couple” using iris folding technique

There is such an interesting technique in needlework as iris folding. It is mainly used in making paper crafts. But I prefer working with textiles. Therefore, almost all of my works are made using the iris folding technique from fabric.

Potato chips

I just absolutely adore potato chips, sometimes I just can’t stop. In this regard, I want to offer you my own recipe for preparing this delicacy. . .

Half-tree cross connection

The connection of timber or boards cross-on-cross - half-wood is one of the most effective and common in the carpentry environment. Wherever it is used: in roofing work, in the production of furniture and decorative objects from solid wood, etc. Let's consider

How to make rollers for grinder

In the design of this grinding machine, an important place is given to rollers or rollers. The drive roller sets the abrasive belt in motion, the tension roller picks up the slack, the driven rollers hold and impart uniform tension to the abrasive belt.

4 Surprisingly Useful Inventions for the Workshop

Often, home-made devices of original design turn out to be more convenient than factory-made analogues, or at a lower manufacturing cost they are completely as good as them. That is why many often make the necessary devices with their own hands,

Low battery indicator

This indicator will promptly inform you that your battery is low. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is the clarity of operation.In other words, the signal LED lights up immediately without gradually increasing brightness.

Summer butterfly in dot painting

To make a decorative plate with dot painting, we will need the following materials: 1. Plastic plate. 2. Acrylic contours and glitters of different colors. 3. Sketch of the drawing. 4. Acrylic paints (white and black). 5. PVA glue. 6. Alcohol. 7.

Compositions from cereals

In order to make a unique composition of cereals with your own hands, you need very few materials that can always be found in the house. For work we need cereals of different colors. If you want to create your own story, first

Sandblasting installation from a car candle and a small gas cylinder

There is no more convenient and effective equipment for cleaning metal surfaces from paint and rust than a sandblasting machine. If you have a powerful compressor, you can do it yourself, investing mere pennies in comparison with