Method against any growth

First of all, you should think about the future growth of fruit and non-fruit trees and shrubs when removing an old or diseased tree. It must be cut as low to the ground as possible.

Then, using a screwdriver or electric drill with a thick drill, we make the largest possible number of holes in the stump for the entire length of the drill.

Next, pour ammonium nitrate into all the resulting holes using a funnel of a suitable size.

Then we cover the stump with film, pressing it with stones or bricks so that the rain does not dissolve and wash the saltpeter from the holes in the stump. Over time, the saltpeter in the holes disappears. Therefore, depending on the size of the stump, but at least 3-4 times, it is necessary to add the drug into the holes.

If the growth begins to grow from the stump of a previously cut tree, then cut off the remaining stump as close to the ground as possible, also drill holes in it, pour saltpeter into them, adding chemicals from time to time, and not forgetting to cover with film.

As you know, saltpeter is a potent chemical, therefore, penetrating the entire root system, it kills the main root, and therefore all the growth that is associated with the root system, which ceases to function.

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