How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Most owners of suburban areas know how much effort and time is required to remove stumps from cut trees. The roots penetrate deep into the ground, you have to dig large holes and chop them with an ax. There is a method of uprooting without physical effort, but it takes more time.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Required tools and materials

To work, you need an electric drill, a feather drill with a diameter of 20–25 mm and a pack of ordinary ammonium nitrate.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Work production technology

Using a feather drill, make several holes with a diameter of 25 mm in the hemp. The quantity depends on the diameter of the tree, the distance between them is approximately 10 cm. Drill to the maximum depth. The more nitrate enters and the deeper it penetrates, the more noticeable the effect. Clean the surface of the hemp from shavings, remove all sawdust from the holes.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Using a large funnel, fill the prepared holes with saltpeter. If you don’t have a funnel at hand, you can carefully pour it straight from the bag.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Use your finger or stick to compact it and add fertilizer again. Leave the stump in this state for at least six months.If chickens may enter the area, be sure to cover the stump. Birds peck at saltpeter granules and receive severe burns to their digestive tract.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

After about a year, the stump can be turned out. The bark will fall off, the wood will become soft and pliable, and wood dust will form inside.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Insert a crowbar into the hole and press it in different directions. The stump breaks into small pieces without any problems.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

Beat it with a sledgehammer, get it completely off the ground, and remove the stump from the recess. The small hole is subsequently filled with earth.
Pay attention to the roots, they have completely lost their strength, become soft and sponge-like. This is the result of the action of saltpeter.
How to get rid of hemp without physical effort

How to get rid of hemp without physical effort


It is recommended to carry out the work immediately after cutting down the old tree, preferably in early spring - the roots are still alive and absorb saltpeter from the hemp. Due to this, it penetrates into them faster and deeper, the process is accelerated.
The method allows you to free up land in the most inaccessible and inconvenient places, while nearby beds and various plantings are not damaged. Another plus. Gardeners know that some trees (cherry, plum, etc.) reproduce vegetatively from the root system. The described method eliminates the appearance of unnecessary sprouts.

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Comments (6)
  1. Reader
    #1 Reader Guests 8 October 2019 17:57
    But you can make fertilizer from this and not have to wait a year :) of course it’s a joke (these are not toys)
  2. Nordique
    #2 Nordique Guests October 9, 2019 04:10
    I think you can use acetic acid. The process will go even faster.
  3. Alexander Fatyanov
    #3 Alexander Fatyanov Guests 16 October 2019 16:55
    Splash some kerosene and the stump, along with all the roots, burns out. no need to pick. a la gunpowder!
  4. Alik mb.
    #4 Alik mb. Guests 16 October 2019 19:02
    You can use it in the same way, and very efficiently, to remove stumps, pour cola or Fanta into the hole, Sprite will do the same! It’s better to do this in the fall and by spring, just one kick to the stumps will destroy it and you can successfully clear the ground of the remains! I myself successfully used this method on 5-6 stumps in the garden!
  5. Valery 132
    #5 Valery 132 Guests 17 March 2020 17:58
    Now they sell urea under the brand name ammonium nitrate, this is something else. The sale of nitrate is prohibited in our country, and it is in powder form, not in granules. What do I mean, the old idea remains, but there will be no results with urea.
  6. Walery
    #6 Walery Guests March 23, 2020 10:29
    The best option is to pour a little waste and set fire to the stump soaked in saltpeter - it will burn out to the roots.