How to get a key piece out of a lock

How to get a key piece out of a lock

There are many times in life when failure takes you by surprise. And basically, a person is not ready for it. For example, it just so happened that the key in the lock broke off and a piece remained inside the lock cylinder. What to do? Well, naturally, if the fragment sticks out enough to catch it with pliers with thin jaws, then everything is clear: we hook it by the tip and pull it out. What if the key breaks and the piece doesn’t stick out?
I will show you two reliable ways to remove a broken key, leaving the lock completely working after all the manipulations.

Removing the key piece from the lock

Before proceeding directly to extraction, it is imperative to position the key groove exactly vertically, since if the movable cylinder of the cylinder is not vertical, the key will be impossible to remove.

Method one: scissors

As a rule, a stuck fragment can be picked out with the tip of a pair of scissors. Scissors are easy to get, their ends are always sharp in most cases. Therefore, we insert the tip into the recess and create a force on the fragment and in the direction of its extraction we try to pull out this fragment.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

In thirty percent of cases, this method works, of course it all depends on how the key was broken.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

In this case, I clearly show that everything worked out, although I still had to tinker.
Scissors are just an example as they are easier to find. In general, an awl, a sharp knife and other items will do.

Method two: drilling a groove

Now we move on to a complex method, but more effective.
The theory is this: in close proximity to the fragment it is necessary to drill a groove with a thin drill (1.5-2 mm). To do this, parallel to the key, you need to drill a hole to a depth of approximately 2 mm. Then drill a hole from the side, turning it into a groove. And then, at the same time, drill the key fragment itself, for a better grip.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

So let's get started. It is better to do this with a cordless screwdriver. We drill a hole at a distance of approximately 1 mm from the groove and to a depth of approximately 1.5-2 mm.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

Next, turn the drill at an angle and drill obliquely.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

You need to be especially careful here, as the drill can easily be broken. Especially if it accidentally comes off. Under no circumstances should you rush.
If the groove is level, drill a piece of the key.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

Well, then we take scissors and remove the fragment without any extra effort.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

The tip fits perfectly into both the groove and the hole in the key.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

We got this stub.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

Checking the operation of the larva

Now, let's check the larva for performance. Insert another key and turn.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

First in one direction, then in the other direction.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

The lock is completely intact.
How to get a key piece out of a lock

Now you need to determine the reasons why the key broke and eliminate them.
And in order not to encounter such problems, you need to lubricate all parts of the lock more often and make sure that everything works without jamming.

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Comments (70)
  1. Sergey K
    #1 Sergey K Visitors July 5, 2018 08:45
    The article is about nothing... The most important thing is not told - the key usually breaks if everything turns poorly, i.e. slightly rusty or covered in dirt, generally lacking lubrication.
    In this case, no scissors will help; first, everything needs to be thoroughly lubricated, preferably with a penetrating lubricant. And then the key fragment practically pops out on its own!
    1. Well
      #2 Well Guests July 5, 2018 08:56
      It’s surprising, where do such smart people come from? “The article is not about anything” - what are you doing so smart here?
      Great article! The author hammer!
      The key breaks due to excessive force applied, as a result of the fact that the bolt may jam. It's not all about rust, Vasya! If you use the lock every day, then where will the rust on the key come from...
      Of course, I didn’t drill, but I picked out the stub with a knife. But why should I explain to you...
      1. Sergey K
        #3 Sergey K Visitors 5 July 2018 15:17
        Be rude, don't move bags ;)
        I have a couple of handfuls of broken keys, so I don’t know much what to talk about. They break down everywhere, a friend’s car broke down.And lubricating any equipment is useful, it’s a pity that you still don’t know this ;)
        So, it is clear that modern keys are made of powdered metal and they are very fragile, but when without lubrication, the key has difficulty entering and exiting the cylinder and from these efforts (usually people pull it out by swinging) it breaks.
        If this thing is lubricated, the key will last much longer. Sometimes, of course, someone tries to hit him with a carcass, usually fatally. And the best way to get it out is with an awl, I have a couple of things made from a gypsy needle, or even turn it over and knock so that it falls out on its own.
      2. Guest Vlad
        #4 Guest Vlad Guests 30 July 2018 19:02
        Hey Alyosha, what makes you think that this lock is used every day? The door to the closet hasn’t been opened for a year, will that work? Where do you come from so smart?
    2. Guest Alex
      #5 Guest Alex Guests 15 July 2018 16:32
      Hello! Read the article to the end. There the author says that it is necessary to find out the reason why the key broke.
  2. valiopeshev
    #6 valiopeshev Guests July 5, 2018 09:18
    Another method is using a hand jigsaw.
    1. Sergeant
      #7 Sergeant Guests 5 July 2018 19:05
      Or you can just change your identity. No?
      1. Rafik Kasymov
        #8 Rafik Kasymov Guests 6 July 2018 20:26
        Apparently you don’t know that when the lock (core) is closed, the closing one prevents you from removing the core and the lock cannot be easily removed.
      2. Guest Igor
        #9 Guest Igor Guests 8 September 2018 10:55
        To replace the cylinder, you must first remove the key piece from it. Then insert the key and open the door if the key breaks when opening. Then, with the door open, you need to find the position where the cylinder is removed from the lock, having first unscrewed the fixing screw from it.
        1. Guest guest
          #10 Guest guest Guests 20 November 2018 16:02
          a piece of the key makes it possible to turn the turning mechanism, and then you can pull out the lock cylinder.
  3. Guest Vlad
    #11 Guest Vlad Guests 5 July 2018 15:18
    The article is really crazy... (with the lock cylinder in a vice).
    In normal life, the larva is in the lock, the lock is in the door. That’s where the author would be poking around.....
    1. Guest Nikolay
      #12 Guest Nikolay Guests 20 July 2018 17:53
      yeah, and scissors with a drill in the apartment))
  4. Lock
    #13 Lock Guests 5 July 2018 15:33
    Pull it out to save the lock? blush
  5. 11111
    #14 11111 Guests 5 July 2018 16:37
    We take a regular file from a hand jigsaw, insert it into the gap between the key fragment and the hole, slightly turn the file so that its teeth catch on the fragment, spray WD-40 and remove the fragment. Easy and simple and without all that drilling.
    1. Rafik Kasymov
      #15 Rafik Kasymov Guests 6 July 2018 20:28
      please don't write nonsense. It’s impossible to even stick a needle into the core, and you’re using a file.
    2. Guest Igor
      #16 Guest Igor Guests 8 September 2018 10:59
      Do you always carry a jigsaw file, an awl, scissors, drills, and a screwdriver with you? The key usually breaks while opening the lock. And not all neighbors have jigsaw files, screwdrivers and very thin drills at home.
  6. Guest Alex
    #17 Guest Alex Guests 5 July 2018 18:50
    The fact of the matter is that it is absolutely forbidden to lubricate locks. It is the lubricant that thickens over time and causes the key to break. The lock, which has never been lubricated, works like a clock. In any case, I have three locks over 20 years old that work without lubrication and open without any effort.
    1. Sergey K
      #18 Sergey K Visitors 5 July 2018 20:51
      Tell this to the Chinese.There have been so many Chinese doors with fairly high-quality cylinders that after a while simply stop turning! In the Soviet Union there was only non-ferrous metal, but here even reputable manufacturers are saving now...
    2. Guest Igor
      #19 Guest Igor Guests September 16, 2018 11:31
      The lubricant must be replaced regularly, then there will be no problems. And if you lubricate it once every 20 years, then of course everything will dry out there.
  7. Pecheneg
    #20 Pecheneg Guests July 6, 2018 00:16
    We put it straight, take tweezers, and take out the fragment.
  8. Pecheneg
    #21 Pecheneg Guests July 6, 2018 00:19
  9. Captain Nemo
    #22 Captain Nemo Guests July 6, 2018 12:08
    It is necessary to lubricate the lock with GRAPHITE dust. That's all. The keys NEVER break.
    1. Rafik Kasymov
      #23 Rafik Kasymov Guests 6 July 2018 20:30
      has already happened, you understand. if only I knew where...
    2. Seregy
      #24 Seregy Guests 6 July 2018 21:43
      Due to the fact that the lock cylinders actually have a through hole, and if the lock is also located on the front door, air flow will pass through it, carrying dust with it. If you lubricate it with any grease, then all the dust will settle inside the mask. And the locking mechanism usually consists of very delicate springs that are susceptible to dust. Therefore, it is best to wash the mask periodically with alcohol or vodka, rinsing the delicate springs of the locking mechanism.
      1. Guest Evgeniy
        #25 Guest Evgeniy Guests 7 July 2018 16:28
        Cognac is much better, it has been tested more than once. smile
        1. Myrod eater
          #26 Myrod eater Guests 11 July 2018 16:23
          I approve yum
      2. Guest Andrey
        #27 Guest Andrey Guests 30 July 2018 16:51
        In pairs! Alcohol or vodka vapor!
      3. Boris
        #28 Boris Guests 17 September 2018 19:06
        No amount of alcohol or vodka will help, since there is a percentage of water. Only VD!
  10. Rafik Kasymov
    #29 Rafik Kasymov Guests 6 July 2018 20:21
    scissor is everything that is written but not quite the best way. the best and fastest way is SUPER GLUE. I think we figured it out and figured out how.the tip was covered and the core was inserted, five seconds and the key is in your hands.