How to easily sharpen any razor

How to easily sharpen any razor

This is a very good way to save your money. Every person who shaves with a razor with replaceable blades, such as Gillette, knows perfectly well how much one replaceable cartridge costs. The price is truly astronomical, although it is reusable, but in my opinion it’s not worth it.
I will show you an incredibly simple and at the same time super effective way to easily sharpen any razor or machine. Even if it was disposable.
After such simple sharpening, the blades will cut hairs in exactly the same way as with a new cassette. Don't believe me? I recommend checking it yourself.

Will need

  • Denim - old jeans are just the thing.
  • A cardboard sleeve, any kind will do: even foil, toilet paper, or cling film.

That's all.
How to easily sharpen any razor

Simple sharpening of the razor

The cardboard sleeve needs to be crushed a little and given an oval shape.
How to easily sharpen any razor

This must be done so that the side stops do not interfere with the processing - sharpening of the blades.
How to easily sharpen any razor

Next, cover the sleeve with denim and align it with your fingers.
How to easily sharpen any razor

And then everything is simple. For perfect sharpening, you need to go over this tubercle with a razor 100-150 times.
The direction of movement of the machine is opposite to the movement when shaving, that is, we move the machine forward.
How to easily sharpen any razor

We do it more than 50 times, then change the direction of movement by 180 degrees so that the hairs on the jeans turn over and the fabric does not get used to it. And we do another 50 movements in the opposite direction.
How to easily sharpen any razor

You shouldn't press too hard, unless it's just a little bit. As a result, the blades even visually shone.
How to easily sharpen any razor

When in use, a sharpened razor cannot be distinguished from one just purchased. This incredibly simple tip will allow you to save a significant amount of your budget.
Naturally, you won’t sharpen the same machine all your life, but extending its service life two, three or four times, I think, will not be any problem.
Make 100-150 movements on the jeans, believe me, your hand won’t fall off - it only takes 2-3 minutes and as a result you won’t have to waste money.

Watch the video

You can watch the sharpening video in more detail and clearly.
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Comments (74)
  1. Alexander Kizimov
    #1 Alexander Kizimov Guests 3 December 2018 16:46
    If you have a leather belt instead of jeans, the effect will be much better
  2. Guest Nikolay
    #2 Guest Nikolay Guests 3 December 2018 18:53
    How do you put the after-shave foam back into the can?
    1. Andrey
      #3 Andrey Guests December 4, 2018 10:48
      We need to make a foam pusher, then
    2. Eugene
      #4 Eugene Guests 4 December 2018 18:46
      You should modify the interactive formats of transparency of your thinking and denounce retrospectives of the subsidiary form of your internal protectionism on the platforms of the passionate marginalization of spirituality within the framework of systemic thinking.
      1. Bambino
        #5 Bambino Guests December 6, 2018 11:03
        What to do if the subsidiary form of protectionism comes into dissonance with the foreign policy of Vladimir Vladimirovich? After all, it will be a mess?!
      2. Peter
        #6 Peter Guests 10 December 2018 16:22
        What a clever horror of words you picked up somewhere
      3. Anode
        #7 Anode Guests 2 May 2019 17:45
        Evgeny, give me the same anguished
    3. Guest Alexey
      #8 Guest Alexey Guests December 6, 2018 10:35
      I laughed and almost peed myself...
  3. Yuri
    #9 Yuri Guests 3 December 2018 19:49
    Complete nonsense. A couple of years ago I tried this method and it didn’t make me any better. Don’t waste your time and nerves.
    1. Guest Sergey
      #10 Guest Sergey Guests 2 September 2019 14:58
      Total nonsense - this is a well-fed pig. And complete nonsense is what you meant.
  4. Guest Mikhail
    #11 Guest Mikhail Guests 3 December 2018 21:12
    And if you also anoint it with Goya paste - it’s totally cool
    1. Guest Nikolay
      #12 Guest Nikolay Guests 5 December 2018 13:49
      Who did you mean - an artist or a pasta - in both cases it is wrong. But we are talking about an institute.
    2. Sector
      #13 Sector Guests 8 December 2018 13:50
      The paste is called GOI. Stands for State Optical Institute.
    3. Guest Victor
      #14 Guest Victor Guests 1 January 2019 16:01
      There is no such pasta! There is GOI pasta!!!
      1. passerby
        #15 passerby Guests 17 December 2020 13:42
        But there was such an artist - Goya)
  5. Guest Sergey
    #16 Guest Sergey Guests 3 December 2018 22:05
    The Gilletites have now hit their heads against the wall.
    1. Guest Sergey
      #17 Guest Sergey Guests December 5, 2018 08:55
      I presented a picture, a workshop of vest workers and all the machines are rubbing jeans and so about 500 people)
  6. Yuri
    #18 Yuri Guests December 4, 2018 09:10
    With goyi paste the effect will be much better and there will be less movement.
    1. Konstantin Mikhailovich Belimov
      #19 Konstantin Mikhailovich Belimov Guests 18 December 2018 19:18
      GOI is a hard paste, there are thinner pastes for finishing!
  7. G.S.
    #20 G.S. Guests December 4, 2018 10:57
    And then shave with this razor? a great way to get at least irritation, not to mention infection (or should jeans be washed and disinfected before use???)? maybe then just shave with a towel, like in the army? It’s cheaper and you won’t get an infection
    1. Guest Alexander
      #21 Guest Alexander Guests 4 December 2018 14:04
      Is it weak to disinfect?
    2. Vasilevich
      #22 Vasilevich Guests 4 December 2018 17:50
      When I pour boiling water for a shaving brush, I first put the machine there, disinfection is complete.
  8. guest
    #23 guest Guests December 4, 2018 12:09
    Nonsense... Definitely...! All cutting edge technologies of stainless steel plates of modern razor blades are “sharpened” using a single nano-technology - applying a special platinum nano-layer exactly one molecule thick to the cutting edge... And that’s all...! unfortunately or fortunately..!

    When the molecular layer becomes discolored during use, in this case the razor shaves worse and worse, but scratches better...?
  9. Guest Sergey
    #24 Guest Sergey Guests December 4, 2018 12:27
    I always shaved with a disposable vest. From 15 rubles. up to 20 rubles a piece. Usually about 14 days was enough. I recently bought one from South Korea to try, but it was made in Vietnam. 1 piece 6 rubles....and I can easily shave with them for 21 days!!!!!
    1. qwert
      #25 qwert Guests 9 December 2018 18:43
      That means our ships were good, sold for next to nothing for scrap.
  10. Guest Alexander
    #26 Guest Alexander Guests 4 December 2018 13:41
    super way to shave a beard for a 10 year old boy!!!!