Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your room.
A vase is one of the interior elements that can be made from plastic and glass bottles, using materials such as threads, colored paper, wood chips, ribbons or twigs of various trees. A vase decorated with various cereals and legumes looks very unusual and original. To prepare such a vase, we need a plastic bottle, scissors, plasticine, rice, peas, red beans and wheat grains.

rice peas red beans

Let's take a plastic bottle and cut off the top part with scissors; we won't need it anymore.

Let's take a plastic bottle

Then we take white plasticine and soften it with our hands, then apply it in a thin layer to the surface of the bottle. The thickness of the plasticine should be about 1-2 mm; if it is smaller, the grains will not stick well, but will not be fixed well on the surface of the plasticine.

apply plasticine

Now that the entire surface of our bottle is evenly covered with a layer of plasticine, choose a pattern that you like.Various geometric shapes of irregular shape will look very beautiful.

evenly covered

Cover the top and bottom of the bottle with wheat cereal. This is very easy to do: lower the bottle into the bowl with the contents, first one end, then the other. We make the borders of the upper and lower parts wavy. To prevent the cereal from falling off, you need to lightly press it to the surface with light pressure from your fingers.

Cover the top and bottom of the bottle

Having decided on the main design, in the center of the future vase we lay out a shape of peas that looks like an inverted drop.

lay out a form of peas

lay out the form

First we lay out the borders of our drop, and then fill the entire shape we have chosen.

post the drawing

When the base of our drawing is ready, we cover the outer side of the drop with red beans in two layers.

cover with red beans

in two layers

Thus, we get a “drop in a drop” pattern.

drop in drop

Our main composition is ready, now we decorate the background of the vase with white rice. To make the work go faster, pour a small amount of rice onto the surface and press lightly so that the grains are well fixed. Using this method, we fill all the free space with grains; the smaller the grains, the more beautiful the overall picture will look.

free space rice

drawing on a vase

That's all! Using ordinary cereals, we were able to turn a simple plastic bottle into real art.

Decorative vase

All that remains is to complement it with what it is intended for, in our case, we use pine branches.

Decorative vase

A handmade vase will become an unusual decoration for any interior. In addition, such a thing will be in a single copy. And do not forget that the process of making such a vase itself will bring great pleasure to those who truly appreciate creativity.
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