An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

Probably every screwdriver owner has had this problem at least once: you charge your old battery, but after 5 minutes of use it runs out again. This is very unpleasant, but we can solve this problem ourselves.
Nickel-cadmium (Ni─Cd) batteries are still installed in many models of screwdrivers, but they are far from the most ideal energy carriers. They have low current output, memory effect, high self-discharge, support low charging current (they charge for a long time with low current) and have a relatively low specific capacity. Taking into account all of the above factors, it just begs to be replaced, for example, with lithium ion (Li─Ion).
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

But is this replacement any good?

This issue is worth paying attention to. For the screwdriver user, installing lithium-ion batteries opens up some previously inaccessible "chips":
  • 1 – you can recharge the batteries after a short period of operation, this will not reduce their capacity;
  • 2 – batteries will work out a greater number of charge-discharge cycles. When the resource is exhausted, they can be easily replaced.
  • 3 - Charging will take place many times faster (about 1-3 hours, versus 13-15 for nickel-cadmium).

But there will also be disadvantages:
  • 1 - Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive. You will have to pay 250-500 rubles for one piece.
  • 2 - The next disadvantage is their fastidiousness to charging - they do not tolerate overcharging or overdischarging and, frankly, it is better to charge them with a “smart” charger, which, when a certain voltage is reached, reduces the current supplied to the batteries.

What batteries should I buy?

In order not to overpay and get exactly what you need, look at the characteristics of your screwdriver. The power consumption and voltage should be indicated there. The first must be divided by the second - you will get the maximum value of the current consumed by the screwdriver. When choosing a battery, you need to focus primarily on its current output (you can look at its specifications), since if too much current is removed from the battery, fire, heating, or the release of gases hazardous to health may occur.
The following models are popular among batteries with high current output: Samsung 25R, LG HE2, LG HE4, Sony VTC5.

How many batteries should I buy?

Charged 18650 battery produces 4.2 volts. Divide the voltage from which the screwdriver operates by 4.2 and round up (for a 12-volt screwdriver - 3 batteries).


Unscrew the screws located at the bottom of the battery compartment.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

After this, carefully open the battery compartment. It will contain a battery made from nickel-cadmium batteries.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

The upper batteries are attached by spot welding to the contact group of the battery compartment of the screwdriver. You can disconnect the batteries from the terminals with a knife; if this does not work, cut off the contact pad running from the terminal to the battery, above the welding site. Dispose of the removed battery at a designated disposal point.


The project involves quick removal of batteries (so that after finishing work, you can easily charge them on a stationary charger, for example, NITECORE I4 (On the website there are also articles on how to assemble a budget charger for these batteries)), so 2 x holders were used 18650.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

To achieve the desired voltage, you need to connect the batteries in series (With this connection, the plus of the battery is connected to the minus of the next one). Since I used 2 holders, they need to be connected to each other for current exchange
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

The original holder wires were too thin, which could cause heating losses; to avoid this, they were soldered to larger diameter wires, taking into account the new location of the batteries.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

For an approximate indication of the battery charge level, Light-emitting diode at 12V, connected in series with a 1 kOhm current-limiting resistor.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

Don't forget about isolation.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

Nutrition LED must be output parallel to the power supply of the screwdriver. To do this, wires of a smaller cross-section are soldered to the thick plus and minus wires of the battery pack.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

Wires of a larger cross-section must be soldered to the terminals of the battery pack of the screwdriver; in my case, they are placed on a separate plate, and then the plate is returned to its normal position, if desired, fixed with glue.
An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

For observation LED You need to make a hole in the battery compartment body (a heated nail works well for this).
A simple way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium batteries to lithium-ion batteries

Because Light-emitting diode performs the function of an indicator, and not a lighting device; you can fix it in the hole by applying hot glue to it (due to this the glow will become softer). Photo of the screwdriver after processing.
A simple way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium batteries to lithium-ion batteries

A simple way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium batteries to lithium-ion batteries

A simple way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium batteries to lithium-ion batteries

An easy way to convert a screwdriver from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion batteries

A video demonstrating the capabilities of a screwdriver using new batteries is attached.

Please note that for the batteries to work correctly in a series connection, they must be “married”, in other words, they must be taken from the same batch, the same capacity and model. If this rule is followed, they will be discharged simultaneously. To check the charge of batteries and prevent them from overdischarging, use Light-emitting diode (the lower the charge, the dimmer the light it emits. Without proper training, this is not so easy to do, so be sure to check the voltage on the batteries with a voltmeter).
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Comments (39)
  1. popvovka
    #1 popvovka Guests 3 February 2019 18:07
    I highly do not recommend these compartments! When a bit gets stuck in a screw, the current can reach 30 amperes. As a last resort, carefully solder the elements.
    1. Aivars
      #2 Aivars Guests December 18, 2023 12:19
      Don't solder! Only spot welding (made from a microwave transformer). The reason is overheating of the battery and melting of the plastic membrane under the metal of the case. I tried soldering, sometimes it was successful, sometimes it burned out - it is impossible to control the soldering process.
      Google the subtleties.
  2. Ufimets
    #3 Ufimets Guests 3 February 2019 19:58
    AliExpress has protection and charging boards with serial connection of lithium batteries for currents up to 30A. This board is placed in the case along with the batteries. And you can charge it with the standard charger of the screwdriver, provided that it provides sufficient current and voltage. The electronics will turn off the charge when it reaches 4.2V on each element. And during operation it will protect the battery when the voltage drops to 3.3V.
  3. Guest Alexey
    #4 Guest Alexey Guests 3 February 2019 20:19
    Do not charge with your own charger under any circumstances. If you charge it like this, then monitor it constantly with a voltmeter. It is better to modify the 12V switching power supply or charger from a laptop - placing a trimming resistor in the TL431 circuit and increase the voltage to the required level of 4.2 * number of batteries. (0.1-0.5 V less is better)
  4. Guest Alexander
    #5 Guest Alexander Guests 3 February 2019 20:34
    your screwdriver will work for no more than a month, get protection against overdischarge and overload on aliexpress, it will cost 15 rubles
  5. Guest Alexander
    #6 Guest Alexander Guests 3 February 2019 21:52
    When dividing power by voltage, we get not the maximum, but the rated current. In starting mode and under heavy loads, the maximum current is 3 - 4 times higher. In any case, I do not recommend batteries with a current output of less than 15 - 20A.
    If a battery assembled according to this scheme is charged from a regular charger, you will throw it away after the first time you forget to remove it from the charger. That is, unless she herself burns with a blue flame. The LED indicator is generally useless.
    Balancers are used to assemble batteries from 18650 batteries. Yes, batteries from the same company and from the same batch will always differ in parameters. Accordingly, in any case, some batteries will be recharged, while others will suffer a deep discharge. The balancer allows you to control the charge and discharge of each battery separately.
  6. I
    #7 I Guests February 4, 2019 00:07
    What about the charge controller? This replacement can kill the batteries. The charging principle for lithium and cadmium is different. I highly recommend this replacement. Only through a controller (preferably with a balancer).
  7. I
    #8 I Guests February 4, 2019 00:10
    I'm sorry. I didn’t read about the charger. Again, it’s easier to order a controller board from Ali and charge it with a standard charger.
  8. Oleksey
    #9 Oleksey Guests February 4, 2019 03:29
    Was it difficult to install a charging board with a balance?
  9. Konstantin
    #10 Konstantin Guests February 4, 2019 04:05
    Without protection board, Light-emitting diode who will not talk about anything, not a word about how or what to charge with... A very useful article...
  10. Vasya Pupkin
    #11 Vasya Pupkin Guests February 4, 2019 04:11
    Stupid article. Holders are a rather controversial option, because they do not like high currents. For batteries, you can purchase a controller board for 150 rubles and charging at the desired voltage for 400-600 rubles.This will help you avoid dancing with a tambourine
    1. Georgiy
      #12 Georgiy Guests March 3, 2019 08:50
      Well, the author likes shamans! And there’s probably a tambourine!