Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

The combat bayonet for the legendary AK-74 entered service in the 60s of the last century and since then has remained a reliable soldier’s assistant not only in the Russian army. At the same time, not everyone, even those who served and went on guard, know what a bayonet-knife is capable of besides its main purpose - to deliver piercing and cutting blows in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Hammer, saw and scissors

The bayonet knife is inserted with a cross ring into the sheath, which acts as an improvised hammer handle. Hitting with the back of a knife allows you to hammer a nail, crack nuts, etc.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

The butt has a saw-tooth sharpening, which can be used to saw steel rods.
Using the T-shaped protrusion at the bottom of the sheath and the rectangular hole in the knife blade, both of these elements can be combined into one tool - scissors.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

With their help, you can cut through fence wires, including live ones - the sheath and handle of the knife are made of durable dielectric material that does not conduct current.

Mouthpiece, grater for ignition and chair

This function can be appreciated only by those soldiers who remained on guard without cigarettes.You can insert a cigarette without a filter (cigarette butt) into the hole for the strap, on the side of the locking button, and, taking puffs from the opposite side, smoke all the tobacco! At the same time, the metal cools the smoke and the smoker does not burn his lips.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

At the bottom of the sheath there is a section of plastic with a straight cut, which can be used to light any match (a feature of the material).
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

When this place is rubbed, the roughness of the fibers can be restored using a serrated (saw) knife.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

In cases where there are no matches or lighters, but fire is necessary, a bayonet-knife will help out in this situation as well. It is necessary to fluff up a small piece of rags (cloth for cleaning weapons, footcloth, etc., but dry grass can also be used) and hook it on the hook for the fixing belt.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Place the knife with the handle on the ground, inserting the blade into the technological hole on the sheath - this will make it easier to hold it in a vertical position.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Using any mineral stone (you need to find it), strikes are struck on the serrated sharpening of the knife. The sparks generated in this way will ignite the rag.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Torch and spear

There is a lock inside the sheath that must be removed and placed on the lower metal protrusion.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Fabric soaked in a flammable substance is wrapped around the pressure springs and set on fire. The resulting torch does not burn your hands and allows you to navigate in a dark space.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Using a straight stick of a suitable cross-section, you can turn a bayonet-knife into a throwing spear. The end of the stick is sharpened under the muzzle ring.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

The knife is placed on a prepared seat and, using a carabiner, on which a sheath (trench) hangs on the belt, is rigidly fixed on an improvised shaft.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

To prevent the fastener from coming off, you should make a small cut under it. On the side of the knife handle, the lock button performs the same function.With such an arsenal you can even go after a wild boar.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

Summing up

This is how an ordinary bayonet-knife, with a soldier’s ingenuity, can be useful to its owner, solving, at first glance, tasks that are completely unusual for him.
Tricks of a bayonet that not everyone knows about

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Comments (56)
  1. Guest Yuri
    #1 Guest Yuri Guests 20 February 2019 19:40
    bayonet for the legendary AK-74? Is it legal to own this device?
    1. Guest Alexander
      #2 Guest Alexander Guests 21 February 2019 10:36
      no gun laws. blade length - blade thickness - sharpening dir. edges are classified as combat edged weapons + No. is tied to a specific barrel as an additional accessory
    2. Igor
      #3 Igor Guests 21 February 2019 13:01
      Legal. This is not a combat knife, but just a souvenir copy. They sell, like, samurai swords. It looks real, but in fact it's bullshit.
  2. Evlampy Sukhodrishchev
    #4 Evlampy Sukhodrishchev Guests 20 February 2019 21:21
    So the current “defenders” have only seen him in the movies. How would they know?
    1. VEDa
      #5 VEDa Guests 6 June 2022 15:02
      The non-serviceman is immediately visible. Each outfit is issued a bayonet knife, not to mention the guard.
      1. well
        #6 well Guests 6 June 2022 17:01
        It’s immediately obvious that he’s not an employee! Not everyone! Dining attire, what about knives?
  3. Guest Mikhail
    #7 Guest Mikhail Guests 20 February 2019 21:49
    Well written, but there are three points: 1) "...the bayonet-knife for the legendary AK-74 entered service in the 60s..." Did the knife enter service before the machine gun?))) 2) "... and a rectangular hole in the blade of the knife..." The hole in the "blade" of the knife, the most that could pass through is a thread. Because the blade is a sharpened edge with a maximum width of 5-6 mm. 3) "... using a serrator (saw)..." Serrated sharpening and a saw are not the same thing, despite the fact that there , and there are teeth there. The purpose is completely different.
    1. Knife from AKM. Wore it for 2 years...70-72.
      #8 Knife from AKM. Wore it for 2 years...70-72. Guests February 21, 2019 09:26
      Knife from AKM. Wore it for 2 years...70-72 years
    2. Guest Alexander
      #9 Guest Alexander Guests 21 February 2019 15:05
      Do not find fault with the words, you perfectly understood the essence of what was written! :)
      No one has erased the AK-47 from history; it appeared on it for the first time!
      1. Guest Vladimir
        #10 Guest Vladimir Guests February 22, 2019 01:11
        The AK 47 has a dagger bayonet, which is much more effective in bayonet combat.
    3. Sector
      #11 Sector Guests 12 March 2019 16:22
      Comrade simply does not know that the legendary assault rifle is actually an AK or AKM, which was put into service immediately after the Second World War. If memory serves, then in 1947.
  4. Sergey K
    #12 Sergey K Visitors February 21, 2019 00:41
    Anyone who has carried this knife at least once, so to speak, will not forget until his death that it is a complete G, with a capital letter. You can’t throw it, we had specialists, and then they worked on the broken knife for a long time in the outfits. Moreover, use it as a hammer.It is not suitable as a knife at all, it is impossible to sharpen it, and opening a can of canned food is much easier if you follow the methods of the three gentlemen from the novel by Jerome K. Jerome. That’s why every self-respecting soldier carries a normal folding knife with him ;)
    The only thing this product is capable of is a joke of humor, when a young soldier steps into uniform for the first time, naturally with such a knife on his belt, and an old soldier asks the young man how long the bayonet is, taking the knife in his hand with the underside. The correct answer is “BEFORE H.Y!”, that’s where he reaches when he is suddenly released ;)

    PS: what makes it even more impossible to use it for its intended purpose is that, according to the regulations, it is a weapon, with all the ensuing consequences, for example, if lost, you can go to court or search for it all in the snowdrifts overnight.
    1. Boris Smirnov
      #13 Boris Smirnov Guests February 21, 2019 00:56
      Your nonsense is not far from the author. It is quite possible to use it as a hammer. In normal units, no one will allow a soldier to carry a folding knife. T.N. there is no tribunal for you, and no one has yet been “imprisoned” for the loss of a bayonet. And much more...
      1. Sector
        #14 Sector Guests 12 March 2019 16:28
        Why are you writing nonsense about a penknife? I served as an officer for 23 years, but I never forbade soldiers from having penknives. And what, I’m embarrassed to ask, will he cut the bread and spread butter on it? I understand that the bread in the dining room has already been cut. But there are also field conditions. You are extremely far from the army.
      2. Sector
        #15 Sector Guests 12 March 2019 16:30
        Of course, you won’t go to jail for losing a bayonet, you’re right here. But since the bayonet is military property, you will have to pay 20 times the damage.This one is just for your information. A bayonet costs, let’s say, 2 thousand rubles now, but you’ll have to pay 40 thousand rubles. I honestly don't know how much it costs now. But definitely not cheaper.
    2. Guest Vladimir
      #16 Guest Vladimir Guests February 21, 2019 06:10
      Sergey, I definitely agree and support your opinion.
      Regarding this “knife,” I liked the statement of American weapons experts most of all:
      "- the Russians have a certain object that they stubbornly call a bayonet-knife." Nothing more to add. When I went on guard for the first time, I remember I was immediately instructed: “Don’t even think about throwing it or even dropping it. Forget about him altogether. Got it, passed it, that's it"
      1. Sector
        #17 Sector Guests 12 March 2019 16:32
        The bayonet-knife is not intended to be thrown into trees, but to PUNCH the ENEMY in the chest and back. It goes into meat very well. This is what a bayonet is needed for.
    3. Well
      #18 Well Guests February 21, 2019 08:11
      For those who carried this knife only on company orders, it is clear that it does not represent anything valuable)))
    4. Sergei Kusiani
      #19 Sergei Kusiani Guests February 21, 2019 08:42
      For the loss of one fucking bayonet-knife, most of them were put on alert and they combed the forest all night (this was in Estonia). Of course, no one was put on trial. But they took away 10 hours of sleep from five hundred soldiers.
      1. Guest Serg
        #20 Guest Serg Guests February 22, 2019 09:12
        where is it interesting that soldiers sleep for 10 hours, that they can be taken away? 8 hours is the norm!!!
    5. Guest Alexander
      #21 Guest Alexander Guests 21 February 2019 16:35
      Balabolism in full!
      Don’t buy such devices on AliExpress, but go serve in the army like all self-respecting soldiers!
      They give out normal bayonet knives there!
    6. Konstantin
      #22 Konstantin Guests February 24, 2019 05:16
      Since I served in the army and held this item in my hands many times, I completely agree. I have never seen a worse knife. Now I have a numbered “Sapsan” ticket recorded in the hunt, so it’s pointless to compare even by metal. The most useful thing about this “bayonet-knife” is the sheath. ))
    7. Dmitry Spitsyn
      #23 Dmitry Spitsyn Guests 1 March 2019 16:17
      Agree. A bayonet is not used as a knife; the thickness of the blade does not allow it to be sharpened. In general, you can’t sharpen it, because it’s chrome-plated, and after sharpening it will rust.
      I heard about fragility, but we have many metals and no one broke them, another thing is that the tip is blunt and will not stick anywhere. I split firewood with it several times - the blade hit a log and a stone hit the edge - it didn’t break.
      It won’t work to use it like a hammer by putting the ring in the sheath - it doesn’t stay there well, it’s easier to just hold the node by the handle and hit.
  5. Guest Vladimir
    #24 Guest Vladimir Guests February 21, 2019 02:23
    Well, nonsense, nothing can be done with this bayonet-knife, it bends like a simple piece of iron, the chrome of tears immediately rusts, but cutting or sawing off is out of the question, bullshit, not a knife, but to kill or even wound someone dressed in an overcoat is from the realm of science fiction I carried it every other day on guard duty for 2 years
    1. Guest Alexander
      #25 Guest Alexander Guests February 21, 2019 10:21
      mixed up combat USSR and training for internal troops. the combat steel of the blade is gray, I personally cut the wire six. The training one, instead of steel, silumin is coated with chrome - it shines like a toy; it breaks easily when grasping the blade and handle with the application of a sharp force
    2. Guest Alexander
      #26 Guest Alexander Guests 21 February 2019 16:42
      The standard bayonet is not chrome plated.
      Don't buy fakes online.
      1. Dmitry Spitsyn
        #27 Dmitry Spitsyn Guests 1 March 2019 16:21
        Standard bayonet knife - chrome plated. At least until the 90s it was chrome plated.
  6. Guest Alexander
    #28 Guest Alexander Guests February 21, 2019 08:54
    You can also peel potatoes if you remove the clamp from the sheath and peel it with it.
  7. Guest Alexander
    #29 Guest Alexander Guests February 21, 2019 09:15
    Everything would be fine if not for his fantastic fragility. Therefore, if you go at a boar with such a spear, then breaking the knife on a rib, you will be left alone with an angry boar with a stick
  8. Guest Sergey
    #30 Guest Sergey Guests February 21, 2019 11:01
    All these tricks are for those who have not served in the army
  9. Boris
    #31 Boris Guests 21 February 2019 13:31
    My friend in reconnaissance shot the spirits with a “spear”. Although I understood how to construct a bayonet-knife, it did not spread.
  10. Boris
    #32 Boris Guests 21 February 2019 13:42
    The handle of the MPL shovel with its sharp end is inserted into the ring and the “skirt” is pulled by a belt to the handle.