Original collar with embroidery

Lately, clamps have become very popular. They are especially valued for hand-knitting. They can be decorated with beads, stitches and much more, but today I will talk about how to knit a collar and decorate it with at least basic embroidery. So. For our collar we will need two skeins of thread of different colors. My main color is white with glitter already sewn onto the thread; I used black thread for embroidery. You also need to have knitting needles, a crochet hook and a large “gypsy” needle on hand.

Original collar with embroidery

It is important to remember that the embroidery thread must be at least 40% thinner than the main thread. For example, if my main one is 3, then the other is 1.5 thick. We cast on 70 stitches on the knitting needles and purl them.

Original collar with embroidery

We knit the entire collar with a stocking pattern, in which the purl row alternates with the front row. You should not clutter the collar with patterns and embroidery (even if just one small element) at the same time. First of all, it doesn't look very nice. Secondly, using other patterns can complicate the embroidery process, especially when you need to count the number of “crosses”. You choose the length of the clamp yourself.I made it two turns, while leaving some free space for the collar of the jacket, so the approximate length is 110 centimeters.

Original collar with embroidery

I would not recommend making the length 3 turns. The width of our collar is about 40-45 centimeters, depending on the density of the knitting and threads. Three turns, and this is almost two meters in length, such a width will look ridiculous, and besides, it will be uncomfortable to wear. Having finished knitting the scarf, remove the loops, leaving the last one.

Original collar with embroidery

Then we connect both edges of the scarf with a hook so that we get a collar.

Original collar with embroidery

Original collar with embroidery

Original collar with embroidery

You should pay attention to the fact that the beginning of the scarf will be slightly wider than the end, although there are 70 loops in both. This is due to the fact that the beginning of mating is always looser. In addition, when the loops are finally tightened, the width narrows. There is no need to be afraid of this, but the main thing to remember is to correctly calculate the connection. This is the kind of seam we should get on the front side after joining.

Original collar with embroidery

Then we start embroidery. We will need a needle with a large eye so that we can thread the thread freely.

Original collar with embroidery

For embroidery, I chose a butterfly - the first thing that caught my eye. If you do not know how to calculate an embroidery pattern without the previous diagram, then it is better to find it in a book or on the Internet. You can draw the pattern yourself, and only then embroider it. In this case, one cell from the notebook should be counted as one and a half “crosses”. First, we embroider the body and wings.

Original collar with embroidery

To embroidery it looked beautiful, the threads should not be tightened, they should be left a little loose. Then we embroider the mustache. To do this, we use the usual method of sewing “needle forward” or “needle backward”.

Original collar with embroidery

That's all. We got an original collar with a butterfly.

Original collar with embroidery

When knitted loosely, the scarf may twist. To prevent this from happening, soak it first in warm (never hot!) and then in cold water. Lightly squeeze out the water and let it dry. After this simple technique, the threads will straighten out and you will have a wide, beautiful collar.
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