Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 35

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How to significantly reduce ice freezing in the freezer. Lifehack for defrosting a refrigerator

Frost in the freezer reduces drawer capacity and uses more energy. In addition, frozen food in the freezer may change taste due to ice. There is a way to get rid of ice in freezer drawers and prevent it from continuing.

How to make a simple and powerful induction soldering iron with instant heating

A quickly heated and efficient portable soldering iron from a low-voltage power source is assembled quite simply and quickly using two power N-channel IRFZ44N field-effect transistors. They are ideal for driving heavy loads as

How to bend MDF or plywood to any angle

In some cases, there is a need to smoothly bend wood material (MDF, chipboard, multi-layer plywood, etc.) most often at an angle of 90 degrees for the manufacture of new or restoration of used furniture, as well as for other applications

Floor insulation with gas block is an underrated technology with a number of excellent advantages

Floor insulation is an important step towards the efficient use of energy resources, that is, saving on heating. And the more expensive heating is, the more acute the issue of insulation becomes. In this article we’ll talk a little about floor insulation with gas blocks - about the features

How to make a lush flower from paper napkins in no time and transform your holiday table

A variety of techniques and materials can be used to serve the holiday table. But the simplest and most affordable way is paper napkins. It is from them that we propose to make a lush flower that can become decorative

Drill stand made from old shock absorbers without welding and without metal processing

A universal drill does not have the technical capabilities to ensure ideal geometry and vertical drilling. Let's make equipment from two old shock absorbers and turn an ordinary drill into a high-precision and productive tool.

Welding with a graphite electrode from a battery is a cheap and accessible replacement for TIG welding

Few people know, but from an ordinary salt battery and a 15-20 A DC source, you can make a cheap analogue of TIG welding. With which you can weld thin metal with filler wire, weld twisted wires, solder

Lifehacks for workshop and repair

Sometimes simple solutions can save a lot of time when doing routine work, or do it much better. There are many such life hacks. Let's look at a selection of some of them.

Do-it-yourself 2 in 1 oven-grill

This stove design is a godsend for your home or cottage. Simple and functional - it will become an indispensable assistant during the period of relaxation in the garden or vegetable garden. It can be used for cooking and frying in a frying pan or pan, cooking on the grill, or on

How to make anti-vandal protection for a padlock

In a padlock, the locking element in the form of a shackle is not protected by anything and can be easily sawed through or simply pulled out of the body with a small crowbar. We will enclose it in a steel box and thereby increase its reliability against hacking by unauthorized persons significantly. For

How to make an antenna for digital television without a soldering iron or twists

Almost everyone who has made an indoor antenna from coaxial cable has been surprised by its simplicity and high sensitivity. Saving money that would have gone towards buying an antenna was also an extremely pleasant surprise. Below are more

How to make an automatic dryer from a broken hair dryer

Often, a hair dryer fails due to cracks in the case or defective buttons, while its heating element and fan continue to work perfectly. In this case, these parts can be used to make an electric hand dryer.

7 life hacks for home, renovation and workshop

Sometimes elementary ideas make it much easier to complete certain tasks. We offer a selection of 7 great ideas that will definitely come in handy. They are all just basic, but very useful.

10 useful uses of WD-40 in a car that not everyone knows about

Penetrating lubricant WD-40 not only allows you to unscrew stuck threaded connections, but can also be used in other completely unusual situations. Let's look at 10 unexpected ways to use WD-40. When you recognize them, you will definitely

DIY magnetic heater

Eddy currents generated in a conductor when exposed to a magnetic field can be used as a heat source. Proof of this is a simple heater. Such a device is easy to assemble at home; you just need to have neodymium

How to make a universal pumping device from an old fuel pump

Some components and assemblies removed from cars are fully functional and can be successfully adapted to perform some other functions. For example, an electric fuel pump not delivering the required pressure or flow,

4 ways to whiten yellowed plastic at home. Which one is the best?

White plastic tends to turn yellow, so over the years it takes on a completely unsightly appearance. This happens due to the oxidation of its surface layer. This is not an irreversible process, so there are many ways available

How to make a simple device from scrap metal for quickly bending a pipe into a ring

Sometimes it is necessary to bend a profile pipe into a ring. Considering the rigidity of such rental, it is quite difficult to perform such an operation. But by making a simple device from leftover metal, you can turn a profile pipe into a ring

How to make a cart for lifting and moving large logs alone

Depending on the diameter and length, a raw log can weigh from 100 to 1000 kg or more. You should not try to lift it off the ground even on one side. Absolutely nothing will come of this. But if you have a simple but special software

How to put wood in a stove to increase the burning time several times

The method of laying firewood for long-term burning, which will be discussed, is known to many. But for some reason, you rarely meet those who use it. But this method has a number of huge advantages: the burning time increases by 3-5 times, smoke

How to cheaply make an outdoor oven from an old sink

People love the outdoors. Such leisure helps to have a good rest and gain vitality. It’s twice as pleasant to cook over an open fire on vacation. However, what to do if you have neither a grill nor a barbecue? Make it yourself

How to Easily Clean a Burnt Grill Grate

After the first use, the grill grate, even stainless steel, stops shining. It becomes covered with soot and soot. You can clean it to perfect condition quite quickly, you just need to know one secret.

How to make a mini hydroelectric power station on a stream with high efficiency that does not require high pressure

Electricity is constantly becoming more expensive, and in some places it simply does not exist. If there is a stream flowing at your dacha or farmstead, then you can build a mini hydroelectric power station from simple materials and receive free electricity. However, the stream can be replaced with an artificial one

How to make a tool for quickly removing snow from the roof, without climbing onto the roof

In winter, so much snow accumulates on the roof that the rafters literally crack under it. To prevent it from damaging the roof, it must be removed periodically. Climbing onto the roof is unsafe, so it’s better to make a simple tool with which you can