How to make a lush flower from paper napkins in no time and transform your holiday table

A variety of techniques and materials can be used to serve the holiday table. But the simplest and most affordable way is paper napkins. It is from them that we propose to make a lush flower that can become a decorative element of your table. All the details on its creation are presented in step-by-step photographs of today's master class.

Will need

To make such a lush flower we need to take:

  • glass (preferably with a narrow neck);
  • colored napkins.

If desired, such a decoration can be made from napkins of the same color, but we will use yellow and pink. At the same time, we chose yellow napkins for the middle of the flower, so we start with them.

Making a lush flower from napkins

Place the first napkin with the corner inside the glass.

We move the next one a little to the side.

In this way we must lay out the yellow napkins in a circle.

After that we move on to the pink ones.The outer part of our flower will be formed from them. We begin to lay out pink napkins in a row with a slight offset.

We completely cover the yellow napkins with them.

Then carefully turn the glass over, holding the paper napkins with the other hand.

After this, remove the glass. We made such a lush flower from paper napkins.

It looks like a whole chicken, but without bones. An awesome dish for a holiday table -
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