"Lotus" from napkins

Do you want to decorate your holiday table? Or just add a romantic touch to dinner? A beautiful flower made from the most ordinary napkins will help you decorate the most ordinary meal. Manufacturing will not be difficult and will not take much time. The availability of the material and its low price are also a nice touch. And you can always use napkins for their intended purpose. They are easy to get and have their original appearance. You don't have to spoil or cut it.
Lotus from napkins

So, let's start with choosing napkins. You will need 2 colors: for the base and the flower itself. I have yellow (12 pieces) and pink (98 pieces). If they are multi-colored, then it is better to choose all of one type.
Let's start making the base:
1. Take a yellow napkin. And fold it diagonally.
Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

2. Determine the middle from the upper acute corner (by eye or you can fold it in half to create a crease).
3. Fold the sides towards the middle (or crease). Clearly visible in the figure.
Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

4. Turn over and bend the protruding parts back. It turns out something like a boat.
Lotus from napkins

5. Fold in half again. We get a triangle.
Lotus from napkins

6. All our parts are ready. We need 12 of these. We do everything at once.
7. Now we need to sew them, take a needle and thread and pierce the ends of all parts.
First, from the side where there are 2 tips.
Lotus from napkins

Then from the opposite one. We tighten and fix.
Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Now our base is completely ready.
The second stage is assembling the flower itself.
Petals are made using the same algorithm. Reminder in the photo. You will have to be patient. Because you need 98 identical elements.
Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Assembling the flower itself:
1. First row. We will need a spoon or fork with a rounded end handle. Take a pink petal. We connect its two ends with the yellow one into each other, as in the photo. Using a spoon, carefully push it into the depths. We insert another one nearby. And so on around the circle.
Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

2. The second row is not much different from the first. Only because now you need to insert the next petals into the pink row.
Lotus from napkins

Lotus from napkins

3. All other rows are performed according to the same principle.
Lotus from napkins

There will be 8 rows of pink petals in total. Just a little diligence.
Lotus from napkins

Making such a flower is very simple and interesting. Good luck with your implementation.
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