How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

When arranging life in a country house, we often encounter the problem of digging a trench up to 2 m deep to lay a water pipe from a common well behind the fence of the site to the house and installation in the house. The task is not easy, considering that there is a fence, a lawn, beds, a concrete blind area near the house on the way, and you don’t want to destroy all this. You can order a mini excavator or a team of diggers. But this requires a lot of labor: to operate the excavator, you need to dismantle the fence, sacrifice the finished lawn, beds and possibly trees. And then restore it all again. In addition, it is not always possible to use such services everywhere, and these services cost a lot.
The solution has been found. With the help of simple hand tools, you can dig a trench up to 2 m deep of any length almost alone without much effort.


For this purpose the following tools were used:
  • a bayonet shovel 0.25 m wide with an additional handle, which has a movable connection made of rope;
  • a shovel 0.16 m wide with an extended handle 3 m long;
  • bucket 0.16 m wide with a handle 1.8 m long.

Materials used:
  • flexible polyethylene pipe.

You need to dig a trench to a depth of 1.8-2.0 m, i.e. more than the freezing depth.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

Digging a trench without an excavator

We mark the boundaries of the trench with a width of 0.25 m. To prevent the edges of the trench from crumbling, sheets of metal or boards must be placed on the marked boundary of the trench.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

Using a bayonet shovel with an additional handle, you can dig a trench the width of the bayonet and a depth equal to the length of the shovel.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

But such a trench depth is not enough. To deepen a trench more than 1.5 m, we use a bucket and a shovel with an extended handle.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

Standing at the edge of the trench with a shovel, loosen the soil at the bottom and sides of the trench.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

Then the bucket is lowered and filled with soil using a shovel with an extended handle.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

We take the bucket filled with earth to the surface and unload it next to the trench.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

For convenience, so as not to pollute the lawn, it is better to pour the soil onto sheets of metal or onto a film laid over the boards.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

All manipulations with the tool are carried out only from the surface of the earth; there is no need to bend or climb into a trench.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

For further work, a bucket and shovel with an extended handle with a width of 0.16 m, rather than 0.25 m, is used, which can significantly reduce the volume of soil removed.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

At the same time, large stones, which are sometimes found deep in the soil, can also be loaded into a bucket of this width. The bucket is open on both sides, allowing it to be loaded from both sides. A fully loaded bucket holds about half a bucket of sand weighing 8-10 kg. If the soil on your site is light, you can also fill the bucket by raking it along the bottom of the trench.
Using such a tool, you can dig a trench using the dash-dot method. This means that the trench is dug in sections of 1.5-2.0 m. A distance of 1.0-1.2 m is left between these sections.And two dug sections are connected along the bottom of the trench at a depth of 1.8 -2.0 m. In this case, there is no need to break through the foundation wall of the house or demolish ready-made beds and a fence.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

A flexible polyethylene pipe allows you to pass it along the bottom of the trench into the hole formed.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

If you have to connect trench sections with a horizontal well, the distance between which is 2 m or more, you can also use the same tools to dig a hole deeper than the established depth and with a diameter greater than the width of the trench.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

This so-called dash-dot method allows you to connect sections of the trench, significantly reducing labor costs.
Using this method, you can lay a pipe under the road without disturbing the road surface. The photograph shows several sections of the trench and untouched sections of the road left along the width of the track.
How to bring water to a house without an excavator and a team of diggers

Friends. Having such a simple tool and using the technological techniques described in this article, you will quickly bring water to your house. In this case, neither the lawn, nor the fence, nor the beds will be damaged.

Watch the video

The technology for digging a trench using these simple devices can be seen in the video:
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Comments (13)
  1. Guest Vasily
    #1 Guest Vasily Guests 11 December 2019 20:32
    Suitable for relatively soft soil. Our soil is clay with stones. not every excavator can handle it. This way you will have to dig for a year.
    1. Free Designer
      #2 Free Designer Guests 12 December 2019 13:04
      It has been tested on sandy and loamy soils and the energy consumption and time are practically the same. Clay can also be different - a meter of clay, and then sand.
  2. Guest Nikolay
    #3 Guest Nikolay Guests December 12, 2019 09:00
    A very pressing question, but where can I get such a 0.16 m wide bucket with a 1.8 m long handle? If you have nowhere to do it yourself.
    1. Free Designer
      #4 Free Designer Guests 12 December 2019 13:14
      I will try to answer your question and make a video about the process of making the ladle. This will be filmed in the spring (at the beginning of the construction season) outdoors, near the house on a bench.
  3. Yuri Mikhailovich Bidyuk
    #5 Yuri Mikhailovich Bidyuk Guests 15 December 2019 19:30
    Dear! For which region is the technology? Where does the soil freeze to a depth of 1.8-2m? In the north? So it grows there in the summer by only 20 cm. maximum. swallow dust in wet weather! Author how many km. Did you lay the water pipe yourself? Archimedes taught at school the Law of Leverage, with the handle of a shovel being 2m long. and the mass of the extracted soil is 5 kg. You will have to apply a force of kg. at 40-50. The navel will not come undone? Oh, it’s not easier to dig a well, or drill a well. After all, we are talking about the private sector.
    1. Guest Sergey
      #6 Guest Sergey Guests December 18, 2019 10:12
      Tomsk - the estimated freezing depth is 2 m, by the beginning of summer everything thaws. Of course, you can dig a well on my property, you just have to fill it yourself, you buy 5 liter bottles at the store, fill it up and you can use it. Artesian water in my village is from 150 m, I hope there is no need to explain how much it costs.
      Of course, the digging method is probably not easy, and you can’t do it quickly, but if you can’t afford horizontal drilling, why not. The author is great, he solves the problem quite inventively and for no money, but labor costs are another matter.
    2. Free Designer
      #7 Free Designer Guests December 25, 2019 21:49
      The governing documents insist that the depth of the trench for the water supply was at least 0.5 meters below the average level of soil freezing, which in the central regions of Russia is 1.6 m. Accordingly, the depth of the trench in Moscow and the Moscow region should be at least 2.1 m .
  4. Grandfather
    #8 Grandfather Guests December 18, 2019 13:00
    I would also add: to speed up the trench work, where there is loose soil, I dug manually to a shoulder width (about 70 cm), although much more soil is thrown out, but the speed of digging and laying the metal-plastic pipe increases significantly. But when the clay and stones came in, I also used a ladle and a shovel with long handles. Having dug another meter of soil, I immediately rolled out the pipe to that meter and immediately, by excavating new soil, filled the trench where the pipe was laid.
  5. Guest Ivan Ivanov
    #9 Guest Ivan Ivanov Guests December 25, 2019 21:44
    Interesting advice, thanks to the author!
  6. Guest Igor
    #10 Guest Igor Guests 3 January 2020 14:39
    In the Leningrad region, plumbers will only arrange connections that they make themselves (for money). Have you already formalized your righteous labors with the plumbers?
  7. nmv777
    #11 nmv777 Guests March 15, 2021 01:09
    Well done! They did it, they showed it, they explained it!
  8. Guest Mikhail
    #12 Guest Mikhail Guests 6 February 2022 13:18
    I still haven’t figured out how to connect trenches at a depth of 2m. with a width of 16 cm?
  9. ntgl21
    #13 ntgl21 Guests March 28, 2023 11:54
    I sewer pipes (approx.30 m) wrapped with foil insulation 1 cm thick, lying at a depth of 50-70 cm (slope from the house to the septic tank) 9th year. Winters are usually ok. -25-27 (but this winter it was -42). So far there have been no problems.