How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

This is a great way to remove the post along with the concrete base without much effort. This method can be quite suitable not only for wooden but also for steel poles. To save your strength and create a powerful pulling force, a car jack will be used.

We pull out the pillar along with the concrete base

We cut down the pillar, leaving it about a meter high. This, of course, is not necessary, but in the future it will be more convenient to work with the part that will be removed from the ground.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

Cut a block from the sawn part and drill two holes in it.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

Use a clamp to temporarily attach the block to the post.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

We will continue to drill the pillar itself through the same holes. Of course, everything can be drilled at once, but it may not be entirely convenient.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

Next, we hammer in wood studs or long bolts.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

We prepare a base for supporting the jacks from a thick board. The support should rest on free ground, at some distance from the concrete base.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

We lay down the timber. It must be reliable and withstand significant forces without severe deflection.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

We place the jack and rest it against the screwed block.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

As the pillar comes out of the ground, we place blocks, since the jack's stroke at one time is not enough.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

We bring the jack together and repeat the procedure.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

You can see the pillar coming out. Next we add more bars.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

As soon as more than half of the concrete base has come out of the ground, the pillar can be tilted on its side.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

That's all. It didn't take a lot of time or effort.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

After the pillar, there remains one fairly equal groove, which, by the way, can be reused.
How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

How to easily pull a pole out of the ground

I personally really liked this simple method for uprooting fence posts without any extra effort.
As for steel structures, the steps are the same, except that welding can be used instead of drilling and bolts.
As you can see in this example, the concrete base has the shape of a cone, which greatly simplified the task. If the base is made as a step with an increase towards the bottom, then this method is also quite suitable. Except that in this case the pole will have to be pulled out to the very end.

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Comments (29)
  1. Zheka
    #1 Zheka Guests 7 November 2018 16:07
  2. Guest Igor
    #2 Guest Igor Guests 7 November 2018 17:06
    A long method, it is much faster to pull out the pole using a steel sling (made for a noose) and a crowbar.
  3. Sergey Sazhin
    #3 Sergey Sazhin Guests 7 November 2018 17:27
    It's easier ----to use a log!
    1. valentine
      #4 valentine Guests 7 November 2018 19:32
      Lever arm!
  4. ilik54
    #5 ilik54 Guests 7 November 2018 17:46
    And I just made a twist of 6 mm wire, pulled a crowbar diagonally through it, which at one end rested against a stone lying next to the post and, without straining, pulled out the post. Here it is important to maintain an effective ratio of the two levers in order to pull out the post with little effort.
  5. Georgiy
    #6 Georgiy Guests November 7, 2018 19:00
    I pulled out iron posts from an old fence (pipes, corners). I used a bottle jack and a wedge. A wedge can be hewn out of a large log. The wedge was tied loosely enough to the post with a piece of rope about a meter and a half long, so that the rope without the wedge could slide freely along the post. Under the jack is a piece of board. Then everything depends on the depth to which these pillars were driven. Intercepting the wedge-jack system 4 - 5 times, the post came out of the ground freely.
  6. zigzac
    #7 zigzac Guests 7 November 2018 22:05
    I wonder if this can happen with old trees?
  7. Guest Alex
    #8 Guest Alex Guests 7 November 2018 22:15
    who cares???? Yes, I probably had to spend a couple of hours freaking out...
  8. Your master
    #9 Your master Guests November 8, 2018 05:59
    It would be faster to dig
  9. Guest Andrey
    #10 Guest Andrey Guests November 8, 2018 09:47
    Well, it’s certainly an interesting idea. It’s just a chore. But what if there are a lot of pillars that need to be pulled out? I replaced the fence and pulled out the old poles, simply poured water into the hole under pressure and rocked the pole. Without turning off the water, my wife and I, using a crowbar and a long drive belt, calmly pulled the pole out of the ground...
    1. Ilgiz Gaisin
      #11 Ilgiz Gaisin Guests 9 November 2018 13:44
      I do this too, but you shouldn’t give water all the time
  10. Mikha
    #12 Mikha Guests 8 November 2018 14:56
    I took out such posts in a minute using a crowbar, a hole in the post and a couple of logs for leverage.