Free fertilizer that will increase the yield and sugar content of tomatoes and other vegetables

Water extracts from onion peels have been used in the garden for decades. This natural and practically free remedy is held in special esteem by fans of organic farming, who fundamentally do not use synthetic preparations and pesticides on their plots.

Having learned about the beneficial properties of onion peels, I began to purposefully collect valuable raw materials all year round, since the peelings practically do not need to be dried. I hasten to share with you my experience in using a natural and completely free remedy to improve the health of all garden plants.

What are the benefits of onion peels for cultivated plants?

Treatment of vegetable, fruit and berry and ornamental crops, including trees and shrubs, in the garden with a decoction and infusion prepared from the outer scales of onions helps in the fight against certain pests and diseases of cultivated plants.

A biological acaricide inhibits the vital activity of adult individuals and larvae of aphids, fleas, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips and other insects dangerous to seedlings. And thanks to substances with fungicidal properties, an infusion of onion peelings is a powerful prevention of fungal diseases (downy and mildew, late blight, root rot, etc.).

But not all plant growers know that the microelements and bioflavonoids present in onion peels activate the processes of fruit ripening and improve their biochemical composition. Regular spraying of vegetable crops during active fruiting with infusions from the husks is a productive foliar feeding of plants and a means of increasing the concentration of sugar in the fruits growing on the bushes.

Most often, gardeners use water extracts from the husks to treat plantings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers and zucchini. The infusion is no less effective for spraying beds with garden strawberries and strawberries. A safe liquid, the components of which completely decompose in the environment, can be safely used during fruit ripening. It is enough for a day to pass after the irrigation procedure, and the harvest can be harvested.

According to reviews from experienced summer residents, an infusion and decoction prepared from the peelings of golden-brown onions are most effective. Peels collected, dried and stored for future use from white or red-blue onions contain lower concentrations of quercetin and other beneficial compounds. Therefore, when using peelings from these onion varieties, their quantity in the recipe for preparing extracts must be doubled.

How to prepare and use a decoction of onion peels?

Take a half-liter jar of husks, pour 4 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Let the future dressing brew for 12-14 hours, strain. Before use, the mother concentrate must be diluted with settled water 1:6, and only then poured into a watering can with a nozzle and poured onto low-growing plants directly over the tops using sprinkling method.

Tall seedlings, for example, vines of cucumbers or indeterminate tomatoes, especially those growing in a greenhouse, are best treated with a spray bottle. Finely dispersed spraying of the vegetative mass of the aboveground part of the bushes will allow the nutritional components of the decoction to be evenly distributed on all sides of the leaf blades and fruits.

It is recommended to perform the procedure on moist soil at any time when there is no active sun, for example, in cloudy weather or after sunset. And don’t forget to spray the soil in the beds, especially around the bushes, with a biological insecto-fungicide. The active components of the decoction, penetrating into the soil, destroy phytopathogens and create favorable conditions for the development of beneficial soil microflora. Carry out treatments at intervals of at least 8 days.

I recommend that all gardeners use the beneficial properties of onion peels in their garden. Having prepared the required amount of raw materials during the winter, you can spray your plants all summer, increasing the sweetness of the fruits and safely protecting them from diseases and pests. I wish you excellent harvests in the garden every season!

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