DIY wattle fence

How to beautifully decorate flower beds and groups of flowers in a private house or country house? You can line the perimeter with large stones or buy plastic fences, which are available in a wide range. There is another interesting option - a wicker wooden fence. You can easily do it yourself, especially if there is woody vegetation near your house.
Course of action. First you need to prepare the necessary material. These will be posts and branches. Any type of tree is suitable for posts; the main requirement is the absence of knots and bends. You can choose hazel, maple, linden, ash. The height of the posts in our example is 60-70 cm, and the thickness is 3-4 cm. For flower gardeners, you need a low fence; you can make a very low fence - 20-30 cm high. When choosing the height of the posts, you need to take into account the depth into the ground of about 10 cm.
The prepared posts should be sharpened on both sides, this will make them easier to install.
DIY wattle fence

The fence support needs to be driven in with a hammer. Even the youngest family members can cope with this.
DIY wattle fence

The distance between the columns is 30-50 cm.
The next stage is the preparation of branches.For wattle fence you will need flexible material, it is best to choose willow or linden, but hazel will also work. The longer the branch, the better. In our example, shoots 1-1.5 cm thick and about 3 m long are used.
DIY wattle fence

DIY wattle fence

When everything is ready, the pegs are hammered in and aligned in height, the actual weaving of the fence begins. To do this, the branches are laid horizontally between the posts, sequentially bending around them. It is better to leave the ends of the branches on the inside of the fence.
DIY wattle fence

The choice of the master is the density of the fence, its height and even color.
The finished wattle fence looks original and natural. In addition, it has a long service life, does not fade in the sun and does not deteriorate from precipitation.
DIY wattle fence
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Comments (1)
  1. miv
    #1 miv Guests August 7, 2017 11:07
    The wattle fence in the garden looks original. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that making it is too labor-intensive.