Santa Claus mittens


New Year is a holiday for everyone, including the main giver of benefits, Grandfather Frost! But the trouble is, Santa Claus was walking in the forest and lost his mitten! How can you hold the staff, it won’t take long to freeze like this! And you should start by preparing everything you need, you will need:

• Cardboard
• Two wipes for wet cleaning
• Needle
• Scissors
• Cotton threads are dense
• Wool thread
• Products for decorating gloves

First, we’ll make a blank from cardboard (the cardboard should be thick) and draw a mitten pattern on it. Then we cut along the contour and make markings on napkins.

cardboard blank

On the fabric, the outline along which the workpiece will be cut should be 3–4 cm larger than the cardboard version.

Outline on fabric

Next, we overcast our mitten and turn it over to the right side. Cardboard should be inserted into the center of our blank, and the excess is sheathed using woolen thread of a suitable color. And we get this product

we sheathe

But he lacks the holiday spirit. For this, everything you have at hand will be useful: beads, balls, glass and plastic jewelry.
In my case, I had a floral braid and glass elements from a bracelet at hand. In any case, you will have to make a central part as the basis of the decor and select additional elements for it. For the center, I prepared a piece of terry cloth and cut a circle out of it.

make a central part

Then we sew it with wool thread, making an edging. Now you can start forming a magical snowflake from glass elements.
We sew the main decorative element to the mitten and complement the composition with secondary decorations, in my case these are white flowers with a blue center, very reminiscent of snowflakes.
The last stage is the edge; it can be made from faux fur or tinsel.

Sew on

So the wonderful one is ready present for Santa Claus, which you can make together with your child. Additionally, you can put a congratulatory letter with words of gratitude in the center of the mitten. Such a gift should be placed under the tree so that Frost can exchange it for a gift for the child.


Santa Claus gloves
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