Felt toys

Felt is a wonderful material! Anyone who wants to make toys with their own hands can see this! Firstly, felt is very easy to make patterns from. Secondly, it holds its shape perfectly. Thirdly, felt does not fray - this means that the edges of parts cut from this material do not need to be processed! And sheets of felt, as a rule, are painted in bright, rich colors. It is for the above reasons that this material is ideal for making toys yourself. Even a child can cope with this creative task, it’s so simple! You don't even need a sewing machine.
I suggest you learn how to sew a funny owl from felt in less than an hour. You will need:
- sheets of felt of different colors;
- scissors;
- multi-colored threads (they can be matched to the felt, but this is not at all necessary);
- cotton wool, padding polyester or other soft filler.

Felt toys

1. First you need to prepare a pattern for our future owl. You can draw it yourself, guided by your imagination, or you can search it on the Internet. For convenience, it is better to make a pattern on paper and then transfer it to felt.

2.First, onto one of the parts that makes up the owl’s body (and we should have two identical ones), using thread and a needle, you need to sew eyes, wings and feathers. By the way, in order to do this, it is not necessary to baste the parts completely - a few stitches are enough, they will stick perfectly.

3. After all the details are sewn onto the front side, you can start sewing it to the back. You should leave a small hole for stuffing the owl.

4. The final touch is to stuff the owl with soft material and sew up the last hole.
The funny toy is ready! Using the same principle, you can make a wide variety of characters, as well as jewelry, decorative elements and even paintings.

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