Bouquet of flowers from napkins

A beautiful bouquet made with your own hands from absolutely ordinary paper napkins can be an original and pleasant gift. Choose the color and size of napkins as desired. In this case, it will be yellow flowers with green leaves in a ready-made basket. Type of basket.

Basket type

Instead of a basket, you can use a regular plastic flower pot or any other vase that is not used for its intended purpose.
1. Inflate a regular balloon to the size you need. Dilute PVA glue with water (about 1 teaspoon of glue per half glass of water). Dip the napkins into the resulting solution and cover the balloon with them. The more layers, the stronger the bouquet will be. The tail of the ball must be left free in order to later pull it out.

Inflating a regular balloon

2. While the ball is completely dry, there is time to cut out flowers and leaves. To do this, take a four-layer napkin and fold it in half, then in half again.

napkin and fold it in half

napkin and fold it in half

napkin and fold it in half

3. Cut out a circle and make many cuts along the edge. If you want a lush flower, then the cuts need to be made thinner and wider. Leaves are cut in the same way. The only difference is the larger diameter of the circle. The green color can be much brighter. In the example, the color is not saturated enough.

Cutting out a circle

Cutting out a circle

4.Next, straighten the circle and snap it in the middle with a stapler. If you plan to make a flower together with greenery, then snap both circles together: put green on the bottom, yellow on top.

straighten the circle

straighten the circle

5. The next step is collecting the inflorescence. To do this, press each layer of the napkin, starting from the top, towards the center. The main thing here is to be careful, as thin napkins can tear. The leaves can also be bent, but not necessary. This will make the flowers appear more luxuriant.

collection of inflorescences

collection of inflorescences

The number of colors depends on the size of the inflated ball. Don’t be upset if there are a lot of flowers and it seems to you that there is not enough space for everyone. They will all fit in easily. To do this, the inflorescence must be pressed more tightly to the middle. If there are fewer flowers, then on the contrary, they need to be straightened out more and not glued tightly to each other, or additional new ones should be cut out.
6. When the napkins on the balloon are completely dry, carefully deflate the balloon and take it out. If desired, you can stick several more layers of napkins on the place where the ball was pulled out so that there is no hole. In this case, you will again have to wait until the napkins are completely dry. If the hole is small, you can leave it as is.
7. Using super glue, glue the ball to the basket and begin gluing the previously prepared flowers. You need to start from the highest point of the ball and gradually work your way down to the bottom. Try not to press too hard so as not to push through the ball, since there is emptiness inside. Of course, work on the bouquet can continue. It can be decorated with beads and various satin ribbons. In this example, red glitter is applied in the center of the flowers. To do this, apply a drop of glue with a thin brush, and then sprinkle with glitter with another brush.The final bouquet will look like this.

Bouquet of flowers from napkins

Bouquet of flowers from napkins
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