How to put wood in a stove to increase the burning time several times

The method of laying firewood for long-term burning, which will be discussed, is known to many. But for some reason, you rarely meet those who use it. But this method has a number of huge advantages: the burning time increases by 3-5 times, there is practically no smoke, more complete combustion of wood occurs and heat is released. This method increases the efficiency of using the furnace several times, and this is a significant saving.

How to properly place firewood in a stove for long burning

We stack large pieces of wood tightly on the bottom of the heating tank. The increase in the efficiency of the furnace also depends on the density of the stacked wood. Fill the firebox to 1/4 volume. On top of thick firewood we also place medium-sized firewood tightly. The amount of average wood should be about half the volume of the firebox tank. We tightly place smaller firewood and kindling into the upper part of the stove.Thus, we get a completely filled firebox of firewood, stacked in a certain sequence.

We light the fire only from above, where the kindling is located.

Kindling and small wood burn quickly and develop good temperature in the upper part of the stove, and also provide more efficient combustion of wood with temperatures from 350 °C.

Heating and combustion of the underlying firewood occurs in stages, and ensures the uniform release of gases from the wood.

Thus, not all wood takes part in combustion at the same time, but gradually in sequence from top to bottom.

The rate of heating, gas release, and combustion depends on the size of the firewood. The burning time of wood increases, and the maximum amount of gases burns inside the stove.

The use of this type of firewood and top ignition makes the burning of wood in the heating stove longer and allows you to get maximum heat from burning wood.

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