Bricklaying: cover a cinder block wall with a narrow bassoon

If you want to make your garage or house built from cinder block more beautiful and attractive, then you can line it with brick. For example, you can take a narrow “bassoon” facing brick, made to look like wild stone. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the material (sand, cement). The consistency of the solution for this work is as follows: 1 bucket of cement to 3 buckets of sand. It is best to use sifted sand through a fine mesh. From my own experience, I was convinced that when small and not very small stones come across in the solution, it takes time and is very annoying. You can make your own seeder. To do this, four boards are knocked together and a metal mesh is attached to them.
As for cutting bricks, I do not recommend breaking bricks with a hammer. Use a grinder with a stone disc. If the main part of the brick is cut, it is very easy to knock off the rest. But this skill will come with work. The mortar is applied to the brick in a thin layer, using a template or placing a 7mm square strip on the edge of the brick. So that the solution does not reach the edge of the masonry 1 - 1.7 cm.

Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

This creates an empty seam, which looks much more beautiful. In addition, it is important to ensure that the mortar is a little rigid, so that the brick will not float after laying. But how much water to add will become clear during the work. If the solution is dry, add a little water to the bucket and mix.
Brick can be used in two colors, yellow and red. The main area is lined with yellow, and the inserts are made of red brick. For example, doors or windows can be highlighted in red. We lay red bricks along the door: one is whole, on the next row a half, on the third row again whole, etc.
Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

Since the wall is not solid (on one wall there is a gate to the garage, a meter away there is a door to the room, and next to it there is a window), there are gaps in the masonry. In this case, you should not lay the bricks separately in fragments. It is necessary to stretch the fishing line, preferably colored (green or red) along the entire row. The line is stretched from one corner of the wall to the other after checking the wall vertically with a building level.
It may happen that in one corner there will be a thin layer of mortar, and in another there will be a thick layer of mortar at the base. Since there will be discrepancies in the foundation in any case, use a water level or laser level to level the masonry base as much as possible. When laying the first row of bricks, try to make the overall level of the entire masonry horizontally. Yes, by the way, it is best to let the first row of bricks dry well and set, especially if there is a thick layer of mortar underneath.
Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

Ideally, it is better to continue work the next day. Then the first row will definitely not settle or float. Well, that is if you are not in a hurry with your work.
To fasten the rows, you can use thin wire, placing it in the seam between the bricks, on every third or fourth row.This will reduce problems in the future. Using a level or plumb line, you need to check each corner or those bricks where the row ends (along the gate or doors). But if the door is placed slightly crooked and not level, and you try to lay the brick level along the cashing, then the discrepancies will look ugly. In this case, the masonry will float towards the cashing or, conversely, move away from it. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to find a middle ground. And in order to make it visually beautiful, you need to lay facing bricks along the casing.
Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

Monitor the thickness of the vertical seam so that it is at the same level along the entire height of the wall. That is, use the same template (glazing bead, square). For better wall reinforcement, tie your siding to the main wall of your home or garage. To do this, anchors are used that are attached to the cinder block of the main wall, after which a wire is tied to it, which is laid along the masonry to the right and left. If there is a space between the cladding and the cinder block wall, you should not fill it with mortar. There will be a thermal insulation layer. Although there are many opinions and disputes on this matter.
Bricklaying with a narrow bassoon

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  1. Vitya
    #1 Vitya Guests 21 August 2017 10:46
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