How to make a mini hydroelectric power station on a stream with high efficiency that does not require high pressure

Electricity is constantly becoming more expensive, and in some places it simply does not exist. If there is a stream flowing at your dacha or farmstead, then you can build a mini hydroelectric power station from simple materials and receive free electricity. However, the stream can be replaced with an artificial reservoir with a difference in water level.

The hydroelectric power plant turbine, due to its design, has high efficiency and does not require high water pressure.

Will need


  • masonry bricks;
  • building mixture;
  • plastic pipes and fittings;
  • shell (base for the turbine);
  • glue and sealant for plastic;
  • plastic sheet;
  • direct-flow faucet;
  • electric motor;
  • current converter, etc.

Tools: construction trowel, level gauge, grinder, sandpaper, Dremel, knife, drill.

The process of making a mini hydroelectric power station on a stream with your own hands

Across the future bed of the water flow, we make a recess along its bottom and sides to approximately the depth of a standard brick. We lay bricks on the cement mortar, i.e. we build a dam.

Between the second and third rows of bricks in the center and across the dam we wall up a plastic pipe with a narrowing outward.We erect the dam to the level of the banks of the riverbed, plaster it with cement mortar and concrete the bottom of the tailwater.

In the center of the tailwater bottom, we imprint a shell with spokes into the concrete, which will subsequently serve as the base for the “generator”.

We shorten all plastic turns by the calculated amount.

Temporarily we assemble a circuit with a tapering flow section from tubes and fittings.

In the concave side of the pipes, we cut out oval holes, to which we glue and seal the tubes with an oblique cut with sealant.

At the end of a large-diameter pipe, drill 6 holes evenly around the circumference and insert bent tubes into them with glue and sealant at an angle of 60 degrees.

We cut the ends from the inside flush with the inner wall of the pipe, and put plastic caps on the outer ones, drilling holes in the bottoms.

From tubes and fittings we assemble a contour with a tapering flow section so that the glued tube-like appendages are inside. Glue a small one in the center onto a large plastic circle.

Then, at an angle to the first, we glue 7 plastic plates with the inner ends resting on the second without the outer ends extending beyond the large circle.

We install this prefabricated unit, with many holes drilled in a circle at the bottom, into the shell-base until it stops.

We insert the branches of the tapering contour into the caps of curved pipes, and connect the inlet section with the help of a straight-through tap to the outlet of the pipe walled up in the dam.

We place an impeller on the electric motor shaft and insert it into a large pipe. We connect the electric motor wires to the current converter and then to the consumer - LEDs or batteries.

We fill the upper pool with water, open the tap and the water, flowing into the lower pool along the contour, rotates an electric motor through the impeller, which generates alternating current.

A hydroelectric power station is perfect for recharging portable batteries.

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Homemade hydroelectric power station from an old washing machine -
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