It doesn’t bite on the worm, but it’s already the third one on the circle!

Man is a creature that simply cannot live without rest and entertainment. Without them he becomes physically ill. But everyone likes to relax differently. Hobbies are what sometimes unite complete strangers. But there is no way to get away from the fact that any type of recreation and any entertainment requires financial expenses, especially such a hobby of a real man as fishing. Big water has arrived - take out your fishing rods and dig for worms. Only if there is no free finance for a fishing rod, then there are the golden hands of a Russian peasant, with which you can not only catch fish, but also make tackle. One of the best tackles for fishing on big water is a drifting circle.
To make it you will need:
• A small piece of extruded polystyrene foam (in common parlance - solid insulation) or a piece of polystyrene foam, but it is somewhat more difficult to work with.

It doesn’t bite on the worm, but it’s already the third one on the circle!

• A mast made of a plastic tube (in children's stores they sell plastic hollow rods for attaching balloons - in this example exactly such a rod is used)
• Faucet gasket
• Heavy bottle cap

• Cross for laying tiles

• Nylon thread
The principle of operation of the mug is as follows: Acting as a wound reel-float, it drifts throughout the entire reservoir and there is bait under it at a set depth. The fish lands on the hook, the circle turns over and signals the fisherman that it is time to collect the catch.
So, let's start the manufacturing process:
• The main material is penoplex. Its thickness can vary from two to five centimeters. The larger the fish that is being hunted, the larger the circle is needed. The example shows penoplex with a thickness of three centimeters and a diameter of 12 centimeters.
First you need to cut out a circle with a stationery knife. The diameter does not need to be calculated using any specific formula - we take a small saucer and outline its outline, then cut it out. There is a basis. This is exactly what a “circle” is.

• Next you need to give it the shape of a mushroom with a very thick stem. That is, cut one of the edges of the circle and make a small groove for winding the thread (example - a spool for fishing line)
• In the center it is necessary to make a small hole for installing a mast - a tube, which must be secured on one side with a gasket for the mixer, and on the other side a massive heavy plug must be fixed, which will act as a balancer.

• The next step is to apply a notch on the circle to secure the thread, but it should not be too deep - with a small load it should come out of the notch freely.

• The next step is to wind the thread around the circle.
• Next, fasten the cross for laying tiles inside the plastic tube in the form of a slingshot.

• We install the mast in the center of the circle, fix the thread in the notch and throw it onto the mast slingshot.

• That's it, our circle is ready. To see the bite from afar, you can paint one side red.In the example, a plastic casing is put on the plug - it will help you notice which side the circle is turned in deep water.

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (2)
  1. Ilya
    #1 Ilya Guests 22 August 2014 20:01
    really, very instructive smile
  2. Vladimir
    #2 Vladimir Guests January 19, 2023 12:08
    It doesn’t bite on a worm... but on a third circle... a circle as bait? Even the tackle and the bait are mixed up... And there’s a worm on the circle, on the hook?.. Well...