How to light a match on a match without chirkash

How to light a match on a match without chirkash

An interesting trick or life hack is how you can light matches against each other without a box of chirkash. You can bet your friends that you will do this and then win the bet. Or use this method in a difficult situation, if you have everything you need.

We light a match on a match

All we need is a rubber band.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

We make a loop and put it on one of the matches, placing it closer to the ignition head.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

Throw the free loop from the elastic band onto the second match. Also located closer to the ignition head.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

We hold the second match straight, and pull the first one, with the knot, to the side.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

Then we release. The matches should hit their heads against each other. Also, the first match passes the second one in passing. As a result of short-term extreme loads, the sulfur of the head of one of the matches ignites.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

The same thing can be repeated in nature.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

How to light a match on a match without chirkash

And easily light a fire.
How to light a match on a match without chirkash

In the example, the most ordinary matches were used, which simply do not light on different objects.

Watch the video

See the video for a visual demonstration.
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Comments (7)
  1. Vladimir
    #1 Vladimir Guests 17 January 2020 19:07
    Even at school, we knew how to light matches on glass, paper, pants, tiles, walls... And without any rubber bands...
    1. Igor Vladimirovich Royko
      #2 Igor Vladimirovich Royko Guests 23 February 2020 23:16
      We didn't have rubber bands like that...
  2. Mikha
    #3 Mikha Guests 4 March 2020 22:12
    Yours is not true. I tried it - it doesn't light up.
  3. Guest Sanya
    #4 Guest Sanya Guests 8 March 2020 20:11
    There is no savings on matches. they don't light up that way.
    1. Doctor
      #5 Doctor Guests March 11, 2020 00:55
      Don't you sell lighters?
  4. Guest Victor
    #6 Guest Victor Guests 17 March 2020 19:56
    I lit a match on a match without a rubber band at first, but still I moved one match slowly against the striker for a minute so that the striker would stick to the sulfur)))) here, most likely, there was the same manipulation, they didn’t show it to us))) and I was also 10 years old then )
    1. Igor V.
      #7 Igor V. Guests 19 October 2022 14:16
      Another method from childhood: a match head moistened with saliva was smeared on the thumbnail and after the sulfur had dried, striking the nail, lit the match