Match shooter

Nowadays, you can buy almost any children's toy in the store, although their quality and usefulness are very questionable. And Soviet schoolchildren often made their own toys. For example, a match shooter. This homemade product shoots close, but is quite simple to make.

To make a match shooter, you will need a thin felt-tip pen and a powerful spring. By the way, the spring can be removed from the lighter. Or from the mechanism of an automatic ballpoint pen.

What do we need

Using a hacksaw, cut the felt-tip pen into two equal parts. Then remove from it the writing tip, the rod, and the plug, which is located on the top of the felt-tip pen.

disassembling the felt-tip pen

Insert a small metal (or plastic) plate into the spring. This must be done so that when using a match shooter, the match does not fall inside.


Take the bottom of the marker and place the spring in it. Seal the top tightly with the cap.

match shooter is ready

So, the match shooter is ready. To start using it, insert a match into the hole, press it with your finger and quickly release it. The spring will unfold and push the match out. The firing range of this homemade weapon is about five meters and depends entirely on the length and elasticity of the spring.

match shooter
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Comments (3)
  1. Natasha
    #1 Natasha Guests 2 January 2014 22:25
  2. Alexey163
    #2 Alexey163 Guests 29 May 2014 20:02
    How to shoot with lit matches??! :fellow:
    A Soviet Schoolchildren made a match shoot out of a wooden clothespin! laughing
  3. Sergey.
    #3 Sergey. Guests 22 September 2014 23:53
    It’s even simpler, a rod from a gel pen, a spring that presses the flint in the lighter, stretch the spring about a centimeter from the nominal length, insert it into a pre-cut rod until it is equal to the length of the match, solder the end of the spring into the rod, take the match and insert it, compressing the spring not to end, two millimeters without pressing, if the match head does not interfere and the “cartridge” sticks out of the “gun” by half a millimeter, then the match shooter is ready!, but if your shells carry a large amount of sulfur, then select a nail equal to the diameter of the average match head, heat the nail and expand the “barrel” two millimeters...
    To shoot with burning matches, hold the match in the match shooter, most of the match head is in the “gun muzzle”, strike the tip against the box, point your hand towards the “target”.
    On average, a burning match flies 5-7 meters, then the charge stops burning and becomes idle...