How to remove a greasy stain from clothes while on vacation at sea

At home, not only walls help, but also a washing machine, soap, brushes, sponges, powders, and chemical degreasers. However, sometimes troubles with clothes happen when a person is separated from the usual household goods by many kilometers. For example, while at a seaside resort, he may drop ice cream on his shirt or spill broth on it during lunch.
How to remove a grease stain from clothes

Then you need to use the means that you have in your own suitcase and on the beach.

Will be required

  • sand, preferably from the cleanest coastal zone, where vacationers do not sunbathe;
  • sea ​​water (you can put it in a liter plastic bottle and bring it to the hotel);
  • shaving cream.

How to remove a greasy stain from clothes if trouble happened while on vacation at sea

How to proceed?

1. Pour sand into some spacious container.
2. Squeeze about a two-centimeter strip of cream onto it.
How to remove a greasy stain from clothes if trouble happened while on vacation at sea

3. Pour in enough salt water so that the sand grounds are not too wet, but just very wet.
How to remove a greasy stain from clothes if trouble happened while on vacation at sea

4. Stir the mixture with your finger or toothpick, while foaming the cream.
How to remove a greasy stain from clothes if trouble happened while on vacation at sea

5. Thickly spread the soap-sand mixture onto the stain.
How to remove a greasy stain from clothes if trouble happened while on vacation at sea

6. Leave the homemade stain remover on the contaminated area.Moisten as it dries.
7. After 3–5 hours, stop the wetting procedure. Shake the dried substance off your shirt (pants, T-shirt - depending on what was processed).
8. Rinse this area first under a cold stream, then under a warm stream. Dry in air or with a hairdryer - any hotel has it.


The result of simple manipulations is a flawless, wearable item.
How to remove a greasy stain from clothes if trouble happened while on vacation at sea

There are no restrictions on types of fabrics. The main thing is to try to test the proposed method within half an hour after the grease stain has been placed, although experience proves that even after a longer time the problem can be easily solved.
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