Banana ice cream with kefir

On hot summer days, of course, you need a supply of homemade ice cream, which will help out both on a sultry afternoon and on a warm lazy evening. But the common option with heavy cream is not always satisfactory.
Banana ice cream with kefir

Fruit ice cream, which is in no way inferior in taste to ice cream or creme brulee, can quench thirst and hunger no worse than its famous counterparts. In addition, the composition of the proposed dessert consists only of healthy ingredients.
Active cooking time takes 3-4 minutes, and the rest of the time is allocated for freezing (4-6 hours).


  • kefir - 300 ml,
  • bananas - 2 pcs.,
  • honey - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Banana ice cream with kefir

You can use kefir for ice cream of any fat content, and replace honey with syrup or jam, or even omit it altogether.

Making ice cream with kefir

1. First chop the peeled banana with a knife.
Banana ice cream with kefir

2. Add honey.
Banana ice cream with kefir

3. Blend everything with a blender.
Banana ice cream with kefir

4. Pour in kefir. Use the blender again.
Banana ice cream with kefir

5. Pour the semi-finished product into the mold. The workpiece should spend 2 hours in the freezer.
Banana ice cream with kefir

6. Place the frozen ice cream in places into a whipping container.
Banana ice cream with kefir

7. Blend it again with a blender.
Banana ice cream with kefir

8.This time, finally pack the homogeneous mixture into molds that will remain in the freezer for the next 4 hours.
Banana ice cream with kefir

Frozen banana ice cream holds its shape perfectly and has a pleasant porous structure. The sweet taste is diluted with a subtle sourness, giving the dessert a special charm.
Banana ice cream with kefir

Banana ice cream with kefir
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