Cute house made from popsicle sticks

Many of us strive to make cute and useful things for our children. These include a small house, which we can successfully make from sticks that remain from ice cream.
Please note that you will need a lot of sticks.
Where can I get them?
You can save up, or you can just ask a friend of yours in the ice cream department.
For work we will take: a cardboard box from kefir, sticks, glue, paint, yarn for decorations.
Let us briefly describe the entire manufacturing technology:
First, we take the box, dry it, make holes for windows and doors, then glue it with sticks. We try to glue smoothly and beautifully.
Then we make the windows ourselves. The next step is to paint our box using acrylic paint. This is the initial primer that we must apply to the product.
Then we take ordinary paints and apply them to the original primer.
Well, then we take the yarn and start using a crochet hook to knit flowers, petals, sew beads to them and glue it all onto our craft.
We should have a very nice product.
Such a house can be given to a little girl who will happily place her toys in it.
Good luck in your creativity and lots and lots of inspiration.
ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house

ice cream stick house
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Comments (3)
  1. Leonova
    #1 Leonova Guests 8 August 2017 15:17
    I just happen to have a bunch of sketch sticks lying around at home, so there will be something to do this weekend! Thank you!
  2. Leonova
    #2 Leonova Guests 8 August 2017 15:18
    *from popsicle
  3. Polinka2008
    #3 Polinka2008 Guests 29 August 2017 18:28
    I've seen different ideas made from sticks. She even started collecting them herself. But this was the first time such a house caught my eye. Tomorrow I’ll definitely buy a package of kefir and get to work.