Natural candies

Increasingly, nowadays, we have begun to pay more attention to what we eat. Perhaps people have finally begun to understand how much truth there is in the saying “you are what you eat.” Either they have poisoned their body to such an extent that it makes itself felt more and more often, or due to the ever-increasing fashion for proper nutrition, sports and control over one’s health. Whatever the reason for this, we monitor our health, but the love for sweets is ineradicable! In order not to torture yourself by giving up sweets and chocolate and at the same time not to harm yourself and, especially, your children with store-bought chocolates, which necessarily include thickeners, flavors and preservatives, you can make sweets yourself using only natural products!

I’ll tell you a recipe that my raw foodist friend, who is very sensitive to his health, once “treated” me to. The recipe is absolutely simple and does not require any specific products, a lot of time, or even a stove or oven! It is suitable for those who always carefully monitor their diet and eat exclusively healthy, vegetarians, raw foodists, and people who simply want to please their loved ones with their man-made miracle.

All you need is a blender or coffee grinder, dishes and a minimum amount of ingredients.The sweets are much tastier than store-bought ones, very nutritious and healthy! Moreover, all products are completely natural, not expensive and available to everyone in any country.

So let's get started. To prepare you will need:

1. Cashew nuts, almonds or hazelnuts (you can use any of them or all together) – 150 gr.
2. Raisins (can be replaced with dates - it will be sweeter) – 100g.
3. Coconut flakes or sesame seeds – 50g.
4. Cinnamon – a pinch
5. Bananas – 2 large, ripe ones
6. Cocoa powder – 4 tbsp. spoons
7. Honey – 1 teaspoon

You'll need

From all this you can make two types of candies - one “chocolate”, using cocoa powder. The second, very nutritious, is honey. The total number of candies, the size of a large cherry, will be about 35-40 pieces.

1. Grind the nuts in a blender (or coffee grinder).

Grind in a blender

2. Grind raisins/dates with a blender.

Grind raisins and dates

3. Grind the bananas with a blender until pureed.

bananas until pureed

4. Mix in two different vessels:
A) for “chocolate” sweets – ground nuts, raisins, coconut flakes, cinnamon, bananas and cocoa. Mix it all well until the mixture is homogeneous.

until a homogeneous mixture

B) for “honey” sweets - the same ingredients, only we replace cocoa with 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly too.

mix thoroughly

Tip: The “honey” mixture is usually thinner, while the “chocolate” mixture is made with thick cocoa powder. Therefore, I recommend more nuts in the “honey” one, and more banana in the “chocolate” one.

On two different plates, pour a little cocoa powder into one and coconut flakes into the second.

cocoa powder in coconut flakes

From the resulting two mixtures, roll and “sculpt” small even balls with your hands (try not to make large ones, as they will be uncomfortable to eat). Roll chocolate candies in cocoa powder, honey candies in coconut flakes or sesame seeds.

small smooth balls

in coconut flakes

Please note that we do not add sugar at all! The candies will be very sweet and satisfying.
Place the resulting balls in the refrigerator for several hours so that the candies “stick together” well. After this, the treat is ready! We beautifully place our sweets on dishes and delight ourselves and our loved ones! - simple, fast and, most importantly, absolutely natural and incredibly tasty and satisfying! Enjoy your meal!

Natural candies

Natural candies
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Comments (2)
  1. Tamashii
    #1 Tamashii Guests 9 August 2017 16:09
    What delicious sweets! As a big sweet tooth, I can’t pass it up. I'll definitely try to cook it. Thanks for the recipe!
  2. Ksusha1214
    #2 Ksusha1214 Guests 28 August 2017 12:57
    I used this recipe because I love candy. It turned out very tasty. I recommend it to everyone!