5 Best Natural Dyes for Easter Eggs

If you want to make Easter dyes, you don't have to resort to chemical dyes. In every kitchen there are available ingredients that will color eggs in bright and rich shades.
natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

Blue – red cabbage

Red cabbage produces a beautiful blue hue. But it’s worth spending a little time, since the color does not appear immediately, but only after the solution has cooled.
natural dyes for eggs

  • 80 g red cabbage,
  • 250 ml water,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar (9%).

Grind the red cabbage on a grater. Pour cold water over the cabbage. Place the egg in the resulting solution. Add vinegar. Boil the egg until done. Leave the boiled egg in the solution until it cools completely.
natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

Red, pink – beets

Beetroot colors the egg shades of pink. But there is one subtlety - under no circumstances should you cook the solution.
natural dyes for eggs

  • 200 g fresh beets,
  • 250 ml water,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar (9%).

Grind the beets on a grater. Pour in water and add vinegar to the resulting solution. Place the already boiled egg into the container so that it is completely covered with the solution. Leave for at least 30 minutes.
natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

Green – nettle

Nettle produces a beautiful light green hue. When coloring eggs, you should use only dry nettle, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. By boiling fresh nettle stems and leaves, you, unfortunately, will not get the solution of the desired color.
natural dyes for eggs

  • 15 g dried nettle,
  • 250 ml water.

Place crushed dried nettles in a deep container. Place the egg there and pour in the specified amount of water. Simmer the solution over low heat for 6 minutes. Leave the egg in the solution until it cools completely.
natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

Brown – coffee

The coffee solution quickly and evenly colors the eggs a chocolate color. The result can be observed already when the water boils.
natural dyes for eggs

  • 15 g ground coffee,
  • 250 ml water.

Pour ground coffee into a saucepan. Pour in water and place the egg in the solution. Cook until done. You can immediately remove the egg from the solution or leave it until it cools completely to obtain a darker and richer color.
natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

Yellow – turmeric

Turmeric gives a velvety and bright yellow color that appears immediately when water boils. To achieve a richer color, do not remove the eggs from the solution immediately after cooking.
natural dyes for eggs

  • 15 g turmeric,
  • 250 ml water.

Place turmeric powder in a deep container. Place the egg there and fill it with water. Cook over low heat. Leave the boiled egg in the solution for 30 minutes.
natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs

natural dyes for eggs
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Comments (2)
  1. helga-1412
    #1 helga-1412 Guests August 7, 2017 09:28
    The colors turned out very beautiful. Let's wait for the holiday and we can experiment.
  2. Aino
    #2 Aino Guests 21 August 2017 16:13
    Wow - there are so many different ways! I’ve never even heard of cabbage and turmeric. I'll have to try it sometime, otherwise we only use onion skins all the time, we need to add some variety.