Original coloring of eggs for Easter with natural dyes

Nowadays, many products contain many artificial ingredients. Therefore, the problem of naturalness and environmental friendliness is very relevant. There are several ways to color Easter eggs without artificial dyes. You can get different colors using decoctions of the following components:
Yellow-brown – onion peel.
Dark brown – coffee, strong tea.
Golden - turmeric.
Red – cranberry, beet juice.
Blue – red cabbage.
Green – spinach, parsley.

Original coloring of eggs for Easter with natural dyes

Let's take a closer look at the original method of painting eggs using a mixture of beet juice and ordinary loose leaf tea.
To do this you need:
Beetroot (burgundy color) - 1 pc.
Tea - 5-6 tbsp. spoons
Water - 0.5 – 0.7 l
Salt 1 tbsp. spoon
Vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
Rice - 1 tbsp. spoon
Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
Threads, a piece of gauze or nylon.
1. Boil the eggs for three to four minutes. It is necessary to remove the eggs from the refrigerator 25-30 minutes before cooking so that later they do not burst due to a sudden change in temperature.

2. Grate the beets and prepare tea. Place the grated beets in a saucepan and add the tea leaves. Fill with water so that the components are covered by 2-3 cm. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes, adding salt and vinegar.

3. While the paint solution is cooking, prepare the eggs. Roll a wet egg in rice, tie it with a thread, tightly cover it with gauze or a piece of nylon tights. You can tie the egg with threads to create intricate patterns.

4. Strain the paint solution. Cooked eggs are boiled in a mixture of beet juice and tea leaves for 10-15 minutes. To make the eggs lighter, 5 minutes is enough. cooking For a more saturated color, leave the eggs in the cooling solution for several hours. The result is a color similar to when painted in onion skins, the brightness depends on the cooking time.
5. To make Easter eggs more elegant, wipe the eggs after drying (preferably while still warm) with a napkin slightly moistened in sunflower oil.

You can get “painted” Easter eggs if you use beautiful leaves, such as parsley, instead of rice, and cover the eggs with gauze or nylon before painting. Iron-on stickers with bright patterns and ornaments are also widely used.
By using natural dyes, the main attribute of the Easter holiday is that the egg will turn out beautiful and, at the same time, without harmful substances, which is very important for maintaining the health of your loved ones.
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Comments (1)
  1. Olenko
    #1 Olenko Guests April 9, 2015 07:56