3 best sauerkraut recipes

Who doesn't like sauerkraut? Well, there are probably such people, but there are probably many more admirers of this tasty and healthy product. Or maybe those who don’t like pickles just haven’t found their recipe yet? Three types of preparation of sauerkraut are offered to you.

1. Accelerated method: Sauerkraut with sugar.

3 best sauerkraut recipes

To speed up the process of pickling cabbage, you need to fill it with a sugar-salt solution.
The pickle prepared in this way turns out elastic and crispy, since the cabbage is not kneaded before pouring the marinade. But there is an important point! The main thing is not to add sugar, otherwise the liquid will become viscous. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and one and a half tablespoons of sugar in warm water (per 1 liter). The cabbage filling is ready.
Place shredded cabbage in a container along with chopped carrots, without compacting the vegetable mixture. Spices go well with cabbage - allspice and black peppercorns, bay leaves. Fill the container with the contents of brine.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

Within a day, the pickle will begin to bubble.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

Stir the vegetable mixture with a “stick” (silicone or wooden) several times, releasing bubbles. By the end of the second day, taste the product to see if it is ready.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

2.Sauerkraut with apples and caraway seeds.

There is such a belief that cabbage will definitely come out crispy when you pickle it on a “man’s” day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Try it, maybe this is the secret to creating the perfect product. And to make crispy cabbage even tastier, ferment it with cumin and apples (fragrant, juicy). If the integrity of the spice confuses you, cumin can be crushed in a mortar or using a mill.
Cabbage and carrots need to be thoroughly kneaded. Sprinkle the vegetable mixture with caraway seeds and a measure of salt (for a medium head of cabbage and one carrot, 1-1.5 tablespoons).
3 best sauerkraut recipes

Place the workpiece in a container along with apple slices, bay leaves, and allspice. Use your hand or a masher to crush the pickle until it is completely covered with juice.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

On the fourth day, visible signs of fermentation will appear. When you are satisfied with the taste of the product, place the pickle in the refrigerator.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

3. Delicious “Petals”: ​​sauerkraut with beets.

The pickles are extremely tasty, not only from cabbage, but also from beets. You can make a wonderful winter borscht with beets fermented in this way. The salting process cannot be called labor-intensive. You just need to chop the cabbage into conventional petals (determine the size and shape at your discretion), cut the beets into slices 0.5 cm thick, and make the brine. Per liter of cold water there are 20-30 g of sugar and 40-60 g of salt.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

Place cabbage petals, beets, bay leaves, crushed garlic cloves, and whole spices in a vessel suitable for fermentation. The vegetable mixture must be poured with brine so that all components are covered, and pressure is placed on top.
3 best sauerkraut recipes

Periodically, the plate must be pressed down to release accumulated gases from the filling. Cabbage and beets will be ready after five to seven days of fermentation.
3 best sauerkraut recipes
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