Thieving mice

Ordinary people throw away cork stoppers from bottles of wine or champagne, and craftswomen with imagination use this pliable material to create original crafts. Creative girls can come up with a lot of things, but the pinnacle of originality is animal figurines.
Today you will learn how to make a refrigerator magnet in the form of mice that sneak into kitchen equipment up the stairs in the hope of stealing something tasty.
To work you will need the following components:
  • cork plugs (3 pieces);
  • wire;
  • awl;
  • gray and brown knitting threads;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue and a tube of superglue;
  • toothpicks (8 pieces);
  • black beads (3 pieces);
  • magnets.

First, select three plugs: two should have bends, and one should be straight.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Cut off the tops of one curved cork and one of the straight ones so that you get a neat cone at the edge. Cut the third crust in half; for further work you will need only one part.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Cut the wire into lengths of 5-6 cm (7 pieces) and 6-7 cm (2 pieces).
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Start making your first mouse. Connect the large cork to the small one using wire.To insert the wire into the crust, you need to make a hole with an awl and then it will go in without much difficulty. It turns out to be a torso with a head.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Give the mouse 4 legs and a long tail.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Cut 2 flat circles from the remaining piece of cork - these will be the ears. Secure them to the wire and place them on your head.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

It turns out to be such a mouse made from cork.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Half of the large crust will be the back of the mouse that has already entered the refrigerator. Therefore, secure only 2 legs and a long tail in the cork.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Now start decorating the blanks with threads. To do this, coat the crust with PVA glue and attach a gray knitting thread to it, moving in a spiral.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

All that remains is to wrap the threads around the paws and tail. Run a brown thread along the edge of the paws, and make the tail the same color.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

This is what mice look like completely covered with thread.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Glue black beads on the face of a large mouse - these will be the eyes and nose. Leave the ears unchanged so that you can see what material this craft is made from.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Now take a flat magnet and cut a “hole” out of it for the refrigerator.
Glue it to half of the mouse, and fix another powerful round magnet on the back side. At this stage you need to use superglue.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Form a ladder using two pieces of knitting thread and toothpicks.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Simply place a toothpick between two threads and secure it with a knot.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

There is a fairly long staircase.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Tie one edge of it to the top mouse with a magnet. Glue the second mouse to the ladder using all 4 legs (for reliability).
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Place a magnet on the refrigerator. His idea is this: thieving mice make a hole in an electrical appliance and climb up a ladder to get food.
Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Fridge magnet Thieving mice

Original, unusual and very interesting.
Such a magnet can be a great gift for friends and acquaintances, but who can resist the desire to leave it on their refrigerator?
Tip: if you think that the back of the mouse does not look very aesthetically pleasing, then make the front half of the body.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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