Wine cork keychain

From seemingly completely unnecessary things in everyday life, sometimes you can make a very original and useful thing. Today we will make a keychain from a wine cork with our own hands. The beauty of this crafts lies in its simplicity and originality. Such present Even a child can do it to parents or friends.
In addition, you can create such a decoration for keys using many different materials - beads, buttons, feathers, as well as various small trinkets.
Well, there is one more advantage - even if you are on a river or lake, you don’t have to worry that the keys will drown if they fall into the water. Such keychains are very convenient for fishing enthusiasts or summer residents.
So. In order to make a keychain from a wine cork with your own hands, we will use the following materials: thick threads, a needle, beads of different sizes, scissors, a wine cork and a little imagination.

1. First of all, we need to choose the appropriate plug for our future keychain. Although at first glance they seem exactly the same, this is not entirely true.Only corks with a dense, slightly porous structure are suitable for work (otherwise the cork will simply begin to crumble and crumble during the manufacturing process). And the design on the cork can be either feminine - sakura branches, images of flowers, etc., or absolutely masculine or neutral.

necessary materials

2. Let's get to work. We thread a needle and pierce our wine cork right through. We do everything very carefully so as not to get hurt by the needle or crumble the cork.

pierce the cork

3. Cut the thread, freeing it from the needle. My keychain is intended for a woman, so various beads will be used for decoration. If you decide to make such a keychain as a gift for a man, then you will need appropriate accessories - not so feminine.
We tie a strong knot on one side of our cork and begin to string beads onto the thread. I made a fixation after each bead, tying small knots. We cut off the excess end of the threads after the last bead is fixed.

Cutting the thread

4. Now let's start decorating the top part of our keychain. We tie a knot and string one bead onto the free ends of the threads.

let's start decorating

5. We lower the ends of the threads down and firmly fix them under the cork base of the keychain. We remove the excess length of threads with scissors.

The ends of the threads are lowered down

6. Attach a ring with a chain to the top of the keychain.

attach the ring

7. Now our keychain is completely ready.

DIY keychain
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