DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

Hello readers. Today I propose for consideration this interesting homemade product.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

This is a miniature flashlight, and since its dimensions are very modest, it can easily be hung on a bunch of keys. He certainly won’t bother you there, but he will also help you in an unforeseen situation.

Tools and materials

I assembled this flashlight from three coin-type batteries, personally I used AG5, but you can use others, the main thing is that the diameter approximately matches the LED. Light-emitting diode I took a fairly powerful one, 1 watt, such power of course reduces the battery life, but the brightness of this flashlight is impressive. I ordered these LEDs They are sold on Aliexpress and on the radio market.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

You will also need heat shrink tube and a stationery needle. The tools you will need are a soldering iron, wire cutters, tweezers and small pliers.

The process of assembling a miniature flashlight

First of all, we need to find LED negative terminal, align it with pliers and solder it to the negative side of one of the batteries as shown in the photo.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

Next you need to bend the soldered contact so that the thermal pad LED and minus batteries are connected.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

Before continuing the assembly, we need to check whether we have done everything correctly and whether it will burn Light-emitting diode. To do this, we press two more batteries and connect the free contact of the LED with the plus of the outermost battery.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

If everything works, we continue, if not, we look for the reason, perhaps the polarity of the LED is reversed, then you should resolder the battery to the other foot.
Now you need to put heat shrink on the batteries. We select the required diameter and length of heat shrink and put it on the batteries. Leave the LED and the remaining positive contact free.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

We warm up the resulting structure using a lighter.
While the heat shrink is warming up, you need to squeeze all the batteries well with your fingers so that subsequently there is reliable contact between them.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

Next we need a stationery needle, the sharp edge of which should be soldered to the positive terminal of the LED.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

Bend the leg of the LED, press the needle to the body, and bite off the plastic ball.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

We bend the remaining tip of the needle into a semicircle and then bend it so that the resulting semicircle practically touches the positive contact of the upper battery.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

Check and adjust the needle if necessary. You need to make sure that the flashlight glows when pressed moderately and does not light up due to accidental touches.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

The flashlight is almost ready. Now you can put on a small ring and then cut off the required amount of heat shrink again. Now we put it on the entire flashlight and warm it up over the flame of a lighter.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

The excess can be cut off with nail scissors or a stationery knife.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

Well, at this point we can consider this homemade product ready, we check it and if everything is in order, you can safely hang the resulting mini flashlight-keychain on your keys.
DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

DIY mini flashlight keychain

The resulting flashlight shines very brightly for its miniature size.This is certainly not a flashlight for every day, but rather for an emergency. Well, let’s say if the light in the entrance goes out or illuminate your way to the car at night so as not to get into a puddle. Personally, this homemade product has helped me more than once.
With this I say goodbye, good luck to everyone!


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Comments (4)
  1. Vanka
    #1 Vanka Guests January 13, 2019 09:39
    waste of time - and for what? I went and bought it, it’s worth a penny. The game is clearly not worth the candle. Well done for the idea itself.
  2. Guest Sergey
    #2 Guest Sergey Guests January 23, 2019 10:33
    Well, it’s not worth the effort, it costs pennies, it’s a very useful thing, and even with your own hands. Respect to the author!
  3. Sector
    #3 Sector Guests 30 January 2019 17:05
    And every time you replace batteries, do everything with a new one. Really not a lazy person. I went and bought a similar flashlight.
  4. Alexander Alexandrovich
    #4 Alexander Alexandrovich Guests 9 June 2019 15:31
    Can I suggest an option for the “lazy” - you take a used lighter with a flashlight - cut off all the excess (this means everything that concerns the gas part of the lighter), you can even use the blade of a kitchen knife and pierce and scratch a hole for a ring from a paper clip and get a similar keychain - torch