Body deodorant

Today I will show and tell you how you can make an absolutely natural, environmentally friendly and suitable body deodorant with your own hands. The harmful effects of industrial, store-bought deodorants on human health have been known for a long time. Therefore, making it at home is a big step towards healing the body and preventing many diseases. It is absolutely harmless, suitable even for people suffering from allergies. In addition, it does not clog pores or interfere with the natural process of sweating. All the necessary components can be purchased at pharmacies and soap shops, which are presented in large quantities on the Internet.

Body deodorant

To make it we will need the following ingredients and equipment:
• Coconut oil - 72 gr.
• Beeswax - 18 gr.
• Corn starch – 48g.
• Baking soda – 72 gr.
• Tea tree essential oil – 14 drops
• Lavender essential oil – 9 drops
• Orange essential oil – 10 drops

• Heat-resistant container
• Frying pan or low saucepan for a water bath
• Spoon
• Scales
• Empty deodorant bottle - stick

Pour water into the frying pan and place it on the stove at medium temperature. This is our water bath. We measure beeswax on the scales.

Place it in a heat-resistant container and place it in a water bath. While the wax is melting, weigh out the coconut oil.

Add it to the wax. Periodically stir the oil solution with a spoon to help it melt faster.

At the same time, weigh the soda and starch.

Remove the completely melted solution from the water bath and quickly pour the mixture of starch and soda into it.

Mix thoroughly until a plastic, homogeneous mass is formed.

Add essential oils and mix well.

Quickly, while the mass is quite liquid, pour it into a bottle previously wiped with alcohol. And put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

All! The deodorant is ready!

It should be stored in the refrigerator and taken out only before immediate use.
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Comments (1)
  1. nikacha
    #1 nikacha Guests 8 July 2012 14:33
    wow! :lol: how cool it turned out! I’ll definitely try it!!!!