Making your own solid perfume

The delicate aroma of your favorite perfume, which envelops you like a veil, gives you a good mood and a touch of mystery. Solid perfumes were one of the first to appear in ancient Egypt and were available only to the pharaohs and their entourage. Today, everyone can afford this miracle, which melts at the touch of your fingertips and is absorbed into the skin, caring for it. It’s even more interesting to make compact perfumes with your own hands, selecting your favorite essential oils and creating a unique composition. Below is a recipe for preparing perfumes with aphrodisiacs, which act not only as a stimulant, but also increase the energy resistance of the entire body.
Wax, base oil and vitamin. They protect and care for the skin, stabilize essential oils. Aromafix gives the greatest durability to perfumes. In ancient times, jasmine was considered a sign of luxury and wealth, creating a good mood and slight euphoria. Soothes and perfectly fights signs of skin aging. Essential oil of fragrant kanaga or in other words, ylang-ylang, revives love and positive energy. Smoothes and moisturizes the skin.Neroli oil is obtained from the petals of orange trees. Relieves depression, protects the nervous system, and liberates. Like the previous oil, it is an aphrodisiac. Neroli oil moisturizes and smoothes the skin, relieves irritation. Solar tangerine oil can increase the body's protective properties, prevent viral infections, and relieve headaches. Stimulates the nervous system, giving optimism and good mood. Bergamot oil increases libido, stabilizes human energy, and increases creativity. It is an excellent antiseptic and a storehouse of useful substances, especially for oily skin. All these wonderful components will help create a unique and healthy perfume.
making solid perfumes

  • 2 tsp - candelilla wax or just beeswax.
  • 1.5 tsp. - Olive, almond or jojoba oils.
  • 2 drops vitamin E.
  • 3 drops Aromafix (optional)
  • It is advisable to mix Vitamin and Aromafix separately, then add the remaining oils to them.
  • 6 drops eff. Jasmine oils.
  • 3 drops eff. M. neroli.
  • 4 drops eff. M. ylang-ylang.
  • The last two oils will add a touch of freshness to the passionate composition.
  • 2 drops of eff.m.tangerine.
  • 1 drop eff. M. bergamot.

  • Container for perfume.
  • This could be a ceramic box, a box of eye shadow or blush, or a medallion with a lid. Or, as in this case, a separated and decorated contact lens case.
  • Ceramic or metal dishes for heating wax.
  • It is convenient to use a ladle.
  • Spoon or glass stirring rod.
  • Alcohol for processing the container.

Manufacturing process:
First you need to prepare a container for perfume. It needs to be wiped with alcohol, then dried with a piece of cotton wool. Place it horizontally on a flat surface.Next, wax and base oil are mixed in a heating bowl and melted in a water bath.
making solid perfumes

After the base composition has melted, the dishes are removed from the bathhouse and essential oils and vitamins are added. E and aromafix. You can make a mixture of your favorite oils in advance so that you can act faster before the wax cools down. All components of the perfume composition should be mixed well.
making solid perfumes

making solid perfumes

The precious composition is poured into the prepared container.
making solid perfumes

It is closed with a lid and the perfume is given time for all its components to start working harmoniously, approximately 5-7 days. This is ideal, but if you don’t have patience or urgently need perfume, then you can start using it right away, applying just a little on your wrist, under your collarbones, and on your neck. Individual perfumes with aphrodisiacs are ready, now you can enjoy the special aroma of your own preparation.
making solid perfumes
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