Decorative and scented candles

Making candles with your own hands is fun and interesting. That's where there is room for imagination! The candle can be given not only an original shape, but also any scent and color. Shall we get started?

Decorative and scented candles

To make decorative candles you will need:
Colorless ordinary candles – 2-3 pcs.,
Colored wax crayons,
Aroma oils,
Tin can – 1 pc.,
Silicone molds for cupcakes,
Utensils for melting wax (canned food jars, cups) – 1-3 pcs.,
Water bowl – 2 pcs.,
Wooden sticks.

As a basis, I took the cheapest candles that are still sold in hardware stores. They are not very convenient for use due to their length, but are excellent as raw materials for decorative candles.

"Rainbow" candle.

Cut the top off a beer or beverage can. Break the candle into pieces and remove the wick. Lower the wick into the jar to the very bottom, securing it on top with a thin stick exactly in the center of the jar.

Place the candle pieces in containers, add grated or cut into pieces wax crayons and melt.

You can melt wax in the microwave. At the highest power it takes a few minutes.You can do this in a water bath: place containers with wax in boiling water. To thoroughly color the wax, the mixture must be stirred periodically with a wooden stick.

Colors can and should be mixed. This is done either at the stage of chopping crayons, or with melted wax.

Carefully pour the completely melted and colored wax into the jar, being careful not to get on the walls. Immediately place the jar in a bowl of cold water to allow the wax to harden. The sequence of layers is “rainbow”. Ideally, from red to purple, but not in reality - as long as you have enough patience. Each subsequent layer is poured onto the already hardened wax. There is a slight mixing of the layers, but it is not noticeable in the finished candle. Cool the finished candle and when it has completely hardened, remove it from the jar.

The work is, of course, dirty, but the dishes (ceramic and enamel) were cleaned well with an iron sponge, which is for frying pans.

The result is a bright and original candle.

Scented candles.

Who hasn't heard about the benefits of aromatherapy? Some smells can have an emotional effect: they increase performance or relax, stimulate sexual desire or relieve stress. Scented candles can be made in present.

It is best to use small molds, such as silicone muffin molds, where each cell will have its own smell, and possibly color. The candles “come out” well from silicone (for better extraction, you can lubricate the molds with vegetable oil), and they turn out as neat as store-bought ones.

The manufacturing principle is the same, only a few drops of some essential oil are added to the wax.You can add your favorite oils: citrus, coniferous, floral, or use tables used in aromatherapy. The candle will smell both on its own and especially when burning.

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Comments (1)
  1. Katerina
    #1 Katerina Guests 20 October 2015 12:52
    This is real aromatherapy =) after a hard day at work, the smell and crackling of an aromatic candle can soothe, God forbid...