An aromatic mixture of petals - a natural fragrance for rooms

An aromatic mixture of petals - a natural fragrance for rooms

Such mixtures are very popular abroad; they are used to scent and decorate living spaces. Aromatic mixtures, or potpourri as they are otherwise called, are sold in specialized gift stores. Petals and herbs can be packed in canvas bags or in transparent jars. The cooking technology is really very simple.

We will need:
Dry jar of original shape,
Flower petals (roses, calendula, daisies, etc.),
Herbs (mint, thyme, etc.)
Spices (cinnamon sticks, vanilla, cloves) - 1-2 pcs.,
Essential oils (lemon, ylang-ylang, orange) – 10 drops,
Dried citrus peels.
Ribbon and/or twine.

Collect herbs and flower buds in dry weather.

Separate the buds into petals and dry in a warm room.

Add spices, a few drops of essential oil to completely dry petals and herbs and mix everything.

Both flowers and oils can be combined in such a way that the initial scent of the mixture is relaxing or invigorating. So, the aroma of chamomile, rose, vanilla, calendula, lavender calms.And the smell of mint, lemon, ginger, rosemary, on the contrary, energizes.

Fill a jar (in this case a coffee jar is used) with the dry mixture, close the lid and leave for several days in a dark room. After a few days, the lid can be removed - the natural flavor is ready. Place the jar on a shelf or table and enjoy the subtle aroma of flowers and oils.

A jar of aromatic mixture can be used as a souvenir or present. To do this, place a pine cone, paper flowers, spikelets of cereal or other floral decorations inside along with the dry mixture, and tie a ribbon on the outside.

You can also pack the mixture in bags, for example, made of gauze. The finished bags can be placed in drawers with linen or used while taking baths.
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