Orange candle

You can make a real candle from half an orange. At the same time, no wax is needed in its production - ordinary vegetable oil is enough. Naturally, such a candle serves more as a decorative element, a decoration for some holiday, for example, the New Year. The aroma of citrus combines like no other with all your favorite winter home gatherings.
So, to make a candle from half an orange, you will need, in fact, the fruit itself, vegetable oil, a knife and a spoon, with which you will need to remove the core of the orange.

Orange candle

1. You should cut the orange in half. We only need one part.

2. Using a sharp knife, cut into the flesh of the fruit. Then remove the pulp with a spoon. At the same time, we leave the core - it will serve as a wick for the future candle. (Orange pulp can be used in preparing any holiday dishes, salads).

3. The end result should be a bowl. It is important that the wick is thin: this way it will burn better.

4. Next, take regular vegetable oil.

5. Pour the oil into the bowl so that the liquid does not reach the end of the wick-core 1-1.5 centimeters.

6. Light the wick.It may not light up right away - that’s okay, in any case, the oil will saturate the wick and the fire will definitely appear.

That's it, the candle is ready!

Such a candle can be made from any fruit - grapefruit, tangerine, lemon. When burned, this candle fills the room with the aroma of citrus fruits. When used, the candle does not smoke at all, there is no smell of burnt oil. You can add a few drops of essential oil or any flavorings to the vegetable oil - in this case the aroma and smell will be more intense. Even a child can make such a candle, but it is important to follow certain safety precautions.
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Comments (1)
  1. Eve
    #1 Eve Guests January 7, 2017 06:38
    Can you do the same with an apple?