Making homemade soap with anti-cellulite effect

Today soap making has become a very popular phenomenon. Making homemade soap has become extremely fashionable. In addition, it is the most natural and environmentally friendly product. I tried it too. To be honest, this process is amazing and very exciting. Professionals make soap from a soap base, but a novice soap maker can use baby soap as a base. It is odorless and consists of natural ingredients similar to soap base.
So, let's begin. To work, you need baby soap (4-5 pieces), cocoa butter or grape seed oil (as a base oil), essential oil (lime, orange or grapefruit oil is suitable for anti-cellulite soap), you can use food coloring to give the soap a certain shade or oils with a pronounced color. Sea salt and ground coffee are suitable fillers. Tools for soap making - a grater, two pans (for a water bath), silicone or plastic molds.

Making homemade soap with anti-cellulite effect

Grate baby soap

You should get soap shavings

Place a pan filled with water on the stove. Place a smaller pan in it (for a water bath). As soon as the water in the first pan boils, pour soap shavings into the second pan.

Add base oil to the shavings (in my case cocoa butter)

And hot milk (can be replaced with hot water) to soften the soap shavings. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes.

When the soap shavings are properly melted, add orange oil (which slightly turns the soap mixture yellowish).

Preparing the filler. We take ground coffee at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per 1 piece of soap and sea salt (1 tablespoon per piece).

Pour the filler into the soap mass

And mix quickly.

After this, put the mixture into molds and leave for 30-40 minutes to harden (at room temperature). Take out the finished soap.

The soap can be used immediately, but it is better to wrap the remaining pieces in cling film and put them in the freezer. This way it will last up to 6 months.

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Comments (1)
  1. scorpion
    #1 scorpion Guests 15 April 2012 20:51
    lol! this soap can be passed off as gingerbread wink