Homemade soap “Game of Colors”

Soap making is very popular now. Making soap at home is fun and very simple. And if you are just starting to engage in this hobby, then you should choose simple recipes that will definitely turn out beautifully, quickly and easily! I offer one of these homemade soap recipes...
For soap “Game of Colors” you need:
1. White soap base.
2. Transparent soap base.
3. Any base oils (shea butter, grape seed, peach, etc.).
4. Flavorings (duchess, grapes, strawberries with cream or any other), instead of flavorings you can use natural essential oils (orange, lemon, lavender...).
5. “Oval” soap mold (you can use a rectangle or any other, but with an oval it turns out more interesting).
6. Any two cosmetic dyes that combine well with each other (red\yellow, yellow\green, yellow\blue).
7. Wooden skewer.
8. Alcohol.
9. Dishes for melting the base.
10. Knife.
Homemade soap Game of colors

Having prepared everything you need, we begin to melt the transparent soap base in two containers. Cut it into pieces, immediately (you can also after kindling) add 10 drops of the selected colors. I show the example of yellow and green.
Homemade soap Game of colors

Heat the base for 20 seconds in the microwave. The time depends on the power of your microwave; if you don’t want to use it, you can melt the base in a water bath. The main thing is not to bring it to a boil! Even a too hot base will not work; it will quickly mix. When two bases of different colors are ready, enrich them with a few drops of any base oils and add a couple of drops of fragrance (or essential oil). Spray the soap mold with alcohol from a spray bottle.
Homemade soap Game of colors

We begin to pour the base, doing it simultaneously from different ends of the mold. Leave some space in the mold for the white base layer. The peculiarity of this method is that the soap is always different. The pattern is born on its own, obeying the laws of physics. The two colors are mixed in the middle to form a new shade. It is very interesting to watch this process. Once the colored base is poured into the mold, leave it until it hardens completely. This takes 30-40 minutes, the more the better.
Homemade soap Game of colors

Prepare the white base. We also heat it without bringing it to a boil, enrich it with oils, mix thoroughly and pour it over the colored base, having previously sprinkled it with alcohol. Be careful not to let the white base damage the color layer. It should not be too hot and it is better to fill it starting from the middle. Let it harden.
You don’t have to make a white layer, fill the mold up to the edge with colored bases. In this case, it will be possible to maintain the beautiful transparency of the soap, but I like it better with a white layer.
Homemade soap Game of colors

Homemade soap Game of colors

We take out the soap and wrap it in cling film, trying not to leave fingerprints on it. Here are several options for finished soap, resulting from combining two colors under different lighting. I have the following colors:
- “Green Apple” in combination with the color “Lemon”,
- “Lemon” in combination with the color “Bulgarian Rose”,
- “Lemon” in combination with the color “Aquamarine”.
Homemade soap Game of colors

Homemade soap Game of colors
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