Different. Page 92

Master classes:

Bracelet - stylish metal

Every fashionista should have an accessory that combines brutality and elegance in her arsenal. Typically, this effect can be achieved by mixing rough elements such as leather or metal with lightweight materials and beads. One of them

Paper rose

When there are always flowers in an apartment or house, even the air seems cleaner and more pleasant. It’s difficult to please yourself with fresh flowers all year round, so I figured out how to pamper myself with beautiful scents and views, without real flowers. Today I will tell you and

Beautiful dahlia made of paper

In winter, you really want to feel a piece of summer or spring. I would like to decorate the interior with something bright and sunny. Today I will help you make your wish come true and teach you how to create beautiful bright flowers to decorate your interior. Such a beautiful flower from

Beautiful aster for mom

Spring will soon end and spring will begin, which means a beautiful day will come - the eighth of March. Children always want to please their mother, grandmother, sister or aunt with some gift.Cards are made, gifts are bought, a delicious dinner is prepared.

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Pendant with glass-like coating

Among interior items, clothing, and jewelry, you can increasingly find things made in a vintage style, which is characterized by its sophistication and sophistication. It is believed that products created no later than the 80s can be called vintage.

Leather bracelet

Recently, women's fashion has included accessories made from rough, rather brutal materials. Most often, the raw material for their production is leather or leatherette. To make my bracelet I used the following materials: •

Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your needs.

Aries figurine using a jigsaw

Artistic cutting of wooden crafts is one of the most popular types of decorative art available to a creative person who does not have special education or training. Original sawmill craftsmen create from wooden

Simple rocket

The idea for this easy and time-consuming fake was born when February 23 was just around the corner.My husband served in the missile forces, so my daughter and I decided to make a rocket. I’ll say right away that this work of art can be made by a child himself,

Original decoration for a stylish girl

All girls know the situation when there is no suitable jewelry to go with a beautiful outfit. If you have ever done something with your own hands, then this master class will be able to help you out more than once the next time you don’t find any accessories

Quick valentine for Valentine's Day

We all remember how fun it was to give and receive valentines at school. Personally, I always made them myself, it seemed to me that this way they would be more honest and pleasant. Today I will teach you how to make a funny Valentine card yourself. It's very simple and

Envelope for a postcard or letter

It is more pleasant to send and receive a letter if it is enclosed in a beautiful homemade envelope. It is also not a shame to give money or a postcard in such an envelope. The envelope is made quickly and not at all difficult, now I will show you everything.

How to make a hummingbird bird

Despite the apparent complexity, this bird is easy to make. Look how good it looks among the greenery! To do this, take thick paper - it will hold its shape better. And there are few folds in this craft. A hummingbird is made from a triangle.

Carnival top hat

Of course, for a real carnival it is very difficult to make a costume yourself. You need to work hard to make it and think through every little detail. But to create the spirit of the carnival, it is enough for each guest to come up with a small accessory.

Vase candy bowl

Whimsical weaving of paper tubes is a pleasant and accessible type of needlework. You can make a huge number of interesting and useful things from them, enjoying creativity. In the kitchen, such products will add color, lift your spirits and...

Children's apron

I am more than sure that most people do not sew such a kitchen trousseau as an apron, but buy it in specialized stores. Buying a ready-made apron is much easier and faster than sewing it yourself. But believe me, the baby will have a much more pleasant time

Valentine - it's me

Before Valentine's Day, every girl in love begins to really panic: she wants to give something special and symbolic. Well, what can you think: you can just give a funny Valentine. Well, of course - Valentine's Day! Just not a simple one, but

Pencil holder

I suggest you make a pencil holder with your own hands. Moreover, it can be done together with your child (if you have one and have reached an age when you can not be afraid to pick up scissors and glue). So let's get started! You and I will need

Hat made of newspaper tubes

Once upon a time, people read newspapers a lot. Much less now. However, there are a couple in every home. What fate awaits them? Storage in the attic, recycling... No. With patience and imagination, you can make a hat.

Soft book

Any mother can sew a soft educational book from fabric. It requires minimal sewing skills, patience and time to create.Pleasure from the process is guaranteed - for the mother while she is creating, and for the baby while he is playing. Let's decide on the plots

Crown for the Snow Queen

To make the Snow Queen's crown, we will need the following materials: - foam rubber - a can of silver paint - a cutting knife - a needle - white threads - silver sequins - white acrylic paint - silver satin ribbon - large


It’s easy to make a beautiful hair tie with your own hands. To do this, you will need a few materials that can be found in any home. List of materials: 1. scissors 2. needle 3. thread (black and white) 4. glue (you can use a glue gun

Cotton candy at home

Now we will talk about how to make cotton candy at home. The first thing you need to do is make a cotton candy machine. To make it you will need a bottle with a volume of 5 liters, an engine from any children's toy, a lid from a can block