Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to create bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate a classroom or their room, make original present for friends and parents, preparing works for an exhibition or competition. At the same time, children's products are distinguished by the simplicity of the materials used and ease of manufacture, because little craftsmen must cope with the work without adult intervention. So, any kid can make funny animals from eggs. With a little imagination, you can make, for example, a funny cow from eggshells.

To make the craft, we will need the following basic materials: an egg (we make a small hole in the shell and pour out the contents), gouache paints, floss, cardboard, plain paper, PVA glue and super glue, brush, scissors, a simple pencil, varnish, sewing supplies accessories.

craft materials

Carefully seal the hole made in the eggshell with paper, and then paint the entire egg yellow. After the paint has dried, paint black spots on top.

paint the shell

Cut out the cow's head from cardboard and highlight the main details with a simple pencil. The size of the head should be slightly smaller than the body.We paint the lower part pink, the upper part the same yellow-black colors. Draw the eyes, ears, horns and mouth.

cut out the cow's head

color the head

Now we glue the two main parts. At the same time, we attach the head to the side - as if it were slightly turned to the side. We fix all the parts with super glue, otherwise they simply won’t stick.

glue the head to the shell

Let's start making the remaining parts. We cut out the legs - a narrow strip of cardboard, pasted on both sides with squares of plain white paper. We also prepare the bases for the tail and crest. We paint the legs and top of the tail yellow, the hooves and everything else brown.

making legs for a cow

We make a tuft from floss threads. To do this, we stitch the cardboard base with threads, but do not tighten the loops. Then we glue the crest to the head.
In order to attach the legs, you need to make cuts on the sides, if there are none initially (cut approximately to the middle). It is better to cut off the upper corners so that later they do not peel off from the round base of the body and do not become puffy. Now we glue the parts.

The craft is ready

We also make the tip of the tail from floss threads, winding them around the brown part. Using scissors and PVA glue, we give the tail the desired look - cut it in the shape of a triangle and coat it with glue so that the threads do not fray.

Merry cow

The craft is ready. For greater durability and safety, it is better to coat the product with varnish.

Merry cow

Using the same principle, using cardboard, paints and eggshells, you can simply come up with and make a wide variety of animals.

many different animals

Such cute animals made from eggs, made by the hands of a child, can be an excellent gift, souvenir, toy or decoration.
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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