Traffic jam horse

For work we will need:
- wine corks;
- toothpicks;
- threads;
- universal glue;
- an awl or a large needle;
- beads;
- a piece of thick fabric or leather.

materials for work

1. Using an awl, make a hole in the cork. Take a piece of toothpick, coat it with glue and insert it into the hole in the cork. In this way we connect all the plugs together, forming a horse. For additional reliability of fastening, you can glue the joints of the plugs together.

connect all the plugs

glue the places

2. Take thick threads or herringbone threads, as in this case, and make the mane and tail of the horse. Glue the mane and tail to the horse's body.

do the mane and tail

3. Cut out ears for the horse from a piece of leather or thick fabric. We will use small beads for the eyes. We glue the ears and eyes to the head of our horse.

make ears and eyes

traffic jam horse

Now our traffic jam horse is ready to celebrate the New Year. You can sew a loop and hang the little beauty on the Christmas tree or glue a small stand to the legs so that the horse takes pride of place on the New Year's table.
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