How to quickly dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

Drying wet winter shoes with fur lining near the radiator takes at least one night, and even longer when they are soaking wet. If you literally scooped up water over the edge with your boots, then regular table salt will help dry them quickly.

What you will need:

  • dry rags;
  • salt;
  • sock;
  • frying pan.

Emergency shoe drying process

Since the shoes are already wet, do not waste the opportunity to thoroughly wash them outside and inside with the addition of detergent.
How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

This will help refresh its appearance and remove all odors. The boots are then wrung out by hand to remove more water.
Any dry rag is placed in the shoes. You need to stuff the rags into it as tightly as possible so that they squeeze out the moisture from the lining.
How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

Add salt to a clean, dry frying pan. It needs to be heated well.
How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

Then a sock is placed in the boot, rolled up, and hot salt is poured into it. This will be accompanied by the release of steam.
How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

After 30-40 minutes, the salt will cool and absorb the water from the lining.If the boots are still wet, then it should be warmed up again and the procedure repeated.
How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

In the case when shoes are not needed so urgently, the residual moisture after the first use of the salt will evaporate itself in a couple of hours under the radiator.
How to dry shoes without dryers and remove odors

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