How to restore a scissor ring by casting at home

The weak point of many scissors is often the plastic rings connected to the metal legs. Usually scissors with such damage end up in the trash can. The same thing happens with the second, third scissors, and so on ad infinitum.

Repairing the scissor ring

But there is a way to repair scissors with one or even two broken plastic rings. To do this, we need a small piece of already used aluminum foil, TsAM alloy and a broken ring.

Divide the foil into approximately two halves.

We place a ring on one of them, cover it with the other half and tap the foil with a hammer without much effort. Next, we continue molding with our fingers and nails, ensuring that the foil fits the ring as accurately and tightly as possible, both inside and out.

Cut the front part of the foil form with scissors in a straight line and use a marker to mark the contact of the form with the leg of the scissors.

On the opposite side of the mold we make a sprue using some cylindrical object of suitable dimensions.

We line the aluminum foil mold on both sides with plasticine, which will not only keep the mold from deforming while pouring liquid metal, but will also absorb the significant amount of heat generated.

As a result, we get an ideal copy of the ring, consisting of two halves. We place the leg in the lower part of the mold along the mark and close it with the upper half.

To prevent parts of the mold from moving while pouring the metal, we fix them with one or even several metal nails.

We place parts made of TsAM alloy, which is 95% zinc, aluminum (4%) and copper (1%), into a steel container with a “spout” and melt it in the flame of a gas burner.

When pouring the liquid alloy into the mold, the plasticine will begin to melt intensively, which does not matter, since it has already fulfilled its functions.

We unfold the foil and take out the casting, from which we remove the flash and the sprue, and we get a perfect ring with a leg soldered into it. Repaired scissors will last for many more years.

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