Has lightning struck? How to fix it so it doesn't happen again

Over time, the zipper halves may no longer connect behind the slider as it moves due to wear or deformation of this fastener assembly.

How to repair a zipper

This defect can be easily eliminated by slightly squeezing the side parts of the slider using pliers or pliers.

However, the zipper teeth at the base may still not engage each other because the zipper can't go any lower due to the cross seam on the bag.

Let's open it with a utility knife, remove the slider from engagement with the teeth and use pliers to reduce its lateral and longitudinal gaps.

We put the ends of the zipper back into the slider and return it to its original place.

Using a needle and a thread matching the color and structure, we make a transverse seam, a kind of bottom stop, leaving behind it a few zipper teeth. This will not impair the quality of the fastener, but will not allow the slider to fly off the zipper halves.

Next, we tuck the ends of the toothed ribbons under the fabric strip and use the same needle and thread to make a transverse seam, securing the ends of the ribbons to the bag material.

The functionality of the zipper has been restored in full without compromising its strength and reliability.

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Comments (1)
  1. Sergei Chichenin
    #1 Sergei Chichenin Visitors 28 October 2023 17:10
    The best and most reliable way is to change the slider to a new one. Fortunately, they can now be bought in stores, or through OZONE, WB.