How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

This method of repairing a zipper is as simple as a corner. Even a person who does not have such skills can cope with it. Moreover, it is suitable both for repairing zippers on the pockets of a bag or backpack, and for repairing shoes. In this particular master class, we will talk about zipper fasteners on a metal base. That is, the zipper teeth themselves are made of metal (brass) and the slider (dog) is made of duralumin. Such locks are especially common. Although, the repair principle is not very different from polyethylene zippers. Some users of such fasteners, after this device fails, take the item to the workshop for repairs. Well, or in general, they are sent to the trash bin. However, the damage may be minor, which you can easily fix yourself. First you need to figure out what the problem is. If the zipper itself and its teeth are “covered” on your fastener, then, of course, you need to take it to a specialist to fix it. That is, tear off the old one and sew in a new zipper. But if the zipper slider itself is broken, you can replace it yourself easily and simply.It is very likely (if you contact the service with such a breakdown), the repairman will try to deceive you and impose the entire zipper on you so that you pay in full for a new zipper and for the work, instead of fixing the problem in a couple of minutes, and for a penny price .
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

Will need

  • New slider to match the zipper slider number.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Scissors.
  • A piece of aluminum plate, 1 mm thick.
  • Fine-nose pliers (you can use wire cutters).
  • A piece of paraffin from a candle.

How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

Replacing the slider

So, let's carefully examine the faulty zipper.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

If there is no visible damage on the teeth, then the problem is definitely in the runner. At first glance, it is structured quite primitively. In fact, there is something to enjoy there. The connecting grooves may come apart, or the disconnecting partition may come off. The metal from which the slider is made is quite fragile. If the identified problem is in the slider, then it must be removed from the zipper. To do this, at the beginning of the zipper, between the second and third teeth of the zipper, we make an incision.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

The length of the tooth. We repeat the same procedure on the opposite side. Next, we pull the broken slider in the direction of the ripped edges. It will slide off the edges without any problems.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

Now you need to insert a new slider into the zipper. There won't be any problems with this either, if the slider fits. For information: each zipper fastener has a number on the slider corresponding to the numbered size of the zipper.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

But it happens (especially on branded products) that the number on the slider is not indicated. Then we visually select the most similar slider. You can buy such a slider in jewelry stores, or, as a last resort, from the same specialist in the service department. It costs a penny. So, we insert the slider.If everything is in order and the zipper is fastened, then you must immediately press down the connecting grooves with pliers. Like this:
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

This must be done because the new runners come with widened grooves for better ease of installation. So the lightning works. Next you need to connect the cut zipper links. To do this, cut a strip of 2×10 mm from the aluminum plate. We sharpen it at both ends and make a bracket out of it.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

We install, using pliers, a bracket at the site of the break. In general, we make sure that the new slider does not reach the break point.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

By the way, I don’t recommend using instant glue in this case instead of an aluminum bracket - it will ruin the entire zipper. Well, finally, rub the zipper teeth with paraffin.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

You can wax it. This is an excellent lubricant for this type of lock. You can treat the teeth with graphite from a simple pencil, instead of paraffin, but this is tedious and time-consuming. In general, it's up to you to decide. You can use any type of the above lubricants, except machine and gun oil. After applying oil, the brass zipper may stick and jam. In this simple way you can save several hundred rubles.
How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

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Comments (1)
  1. Natalia
    #1 Natalia Guests December 17, 2021 02:35
    that's exactly what the paraffin causes the blockage and the new lock does not need any lubrication