Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 25

Master classes:

Don't throw away the old stove: make a folding grill out of its grate

When going on vacation to the forest, especially with long walks, it is very important to take light equipment with you. One of its components can be a homemade folding mini grill made from a grate from an old oven. It is designed for

How to easily remove rust stains from chrome products

Over time, especially if there is no proper care, chrome-plated parts begin to rust. The stores are full of means to combat this evil, but many of them are harmful to humans, and they cost a lot of money. But there are simple and almost

How to tie a rope to a pole so you can easily untie it later

This life hack will be useful to absolutely everyone, especially motorists. Let's imagine a situation where you need to tie a rope or rope to an immovable object such as a pole or log. If you tie a rope just like that, then after you

Peeling garlic cloves with bare hands quickly and without a knife

In the past, I always peeled the garlic cloves using a knife, cutting off the back. I've changed my approach and now do it without a knife. I won’t say that it’s much faster than the classic method, but for me personally it’s definitely become more convenient. Maybe

The easiest mounting of a knife handle without glue

Among all the methods for installing a knife handle, the easiest is mounting. It does not require glue, bolster, rivets or other fasteners, which allows you to equip the blade with a handle even in the field, for example, if the old one is cracked. To

We clean the perch quickly, easily and without scattering scales

All fishermen and river fish lovers know how difficult it is to clean a perch. When you try to do this, the scales scatter wildly, sticking to the walls, furniture, and floor. In this regard, a more effective way is to prepare a perch carcass without skin. This

Making 2 new tools from an old screwdriver

Everyone has at least one or more old screwdrivers that are lying around idle because there are new and more convenient ones. At the same time, it’s a pity to throw them away, since they are made of high-quality metal. These screwdrivers can be used with

How to easily make a stand for storing hand tools

The convenience of working in a workshop or garage largely depends on the organization of tool storage. When every thing has its place and is accessible, then everything is done faster and without nerves. The most convenient for storage is hanging

How to connect tubes at any angle without welding

If you need to join 2 pipes of the same diameter at an angle without welding, you can use one trick that will solve the problem quite reliably and beautifully. This method is applicable almost everywhere except assembly

How to open a bottle with a paper clip

Do you know how to open a bottle using paper clips? What about using a towel? These are very funny methods that will not only help you get out of this situation, but will also surprise your friends. This master class will show three interesting

The brush cutter won't start? Eliminating the most common cause

Chinese lawn mowers are a headache for the owner, but still you can’t live without them. The main problem is the difficulty of starting after a long period of inactivity. If in the fall the brush cutter worked like a charm, but in the spring it does not start, then most likely you need to disassemble the carburetor and

How to increase the pressure and performance of a Brook or Baby pump

Over time, the water pressure of a submersible vibration pump decreases. This is caused by wear of the rubber piston and valve, as well as a change in the optimal clearances. You can achieve good water pressure from an old pump by replacing the piston and check valve, and

How to make sharp bends on a tube without a pipe bender so it doesn't get crushed

It is extremely difficult to make a sharp bend in a thin-walled copper tube with a small turning radius, especially if it is important not to deform its cross-section. And if the pipe needs to be wound into a coil, then even a pipe bender will not help. In this case, you can

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

When leaving home for a long time, it’s a good idea to have a hot or cold drink in sufficient volume that will not cool down or become warm for hours. For this you need a large thermos. You can make it yourself from an ordinary glass jar for 3

How to sharpen hair clipper blades very easily

Over time, the clipper begins to cut worse due to the dullness of the knives. They leave gaps and sometimes pull hairs out by the roots, making it impossible to use the machine any longer. This problem can be solved by sharpening. Restoration of cutting

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Rope is used to solve many problems, but for it to work 100%, you need to be able to knit it correctly. For various purposes, special units are used that provide very reliable fastening.

How to quickly plant a lot of potatoes using a homemade hiller plow

Many people still plant potatoes with a shovel. This is extremely difficult and time-consuming. It is much faster and easier to plant potatoes in rows. If you make a hiller plow for this, the whole process will be simplified and accelerated as much as possible.

How to bend a pipe without creases and a pipe bender

In the absence of a pipe bender, attempts to bend pipes manually usually end in the appearance of creases. As a result, the damaged workpiece is sent to scrap metal. To avoid creases, you need to use several techniques.

Useful tips for the workshop

When working in a workshop, it is important to have not only a good tool, but also non-standard skills that will allow you to perform familiar tasks faster and better. You can guess many of them yourself, but some can only be learned from old people.

See how many tools a nail clipper can replace

Nail clippers, also known as nippers and tweezers, can be used in non-standard ways to solve a variety of problems. Considering that it is often used as a key fob, knowing about its multitasking can come in handy when under

How to quickly make a hole without drilling in tool steel

With the advent of almost every drill, screwdriver or drilling machine, making holes is done exclusively by drilling. The presence of such a tool made it possible to abandon the old techniques that were used before its distribution.

How to quickly make gloves from any package

To avoid getting your hands dirty when doing dirty work, you need waterproof gloves. Without the desire or opportunity to go to the store for them, you can make a pair of gloves of the appropriate size at home in a couple of minutes. As

How to make a broom from plastic bottles

Having accumulated 15-20 plastic bottles, you can make a homemade, convenient broom for cleaning your workshop or yard. Due to the rigidity of the raw materials used, it is practically eternal, does not break off like analogues made from branches, and is not afraid of water.

What can you do with an empty plastic container?

Plastic containers, for example from washing powder, can become the basis for making various crafts. The upcoming work can be done by anyone who can hold the simplest cutting tools in their hands.